Video I Love: It Gets Better

After yet another teen suicide by a gay kid who was relentlessly bullied in high school, Dan Savage has started a new project: It Gets Better. He’s collecting YouTube videos of individuals talking about how it does get better after high school.

“If you’re gay or lesbian or bi or trans, and you’ve ever read about a kid like Billy Lucas and thought, “Fuck, I wish I could’ve told him that it gets better,” this is your chance. We can’t help Billy, but there are lots of other Billys out there—other despairing LGBT kids who are being bullied and harassed, kids who don’t think they have a future—and we can help them.”

Here’s the video from Dan and his partner.

Thanks to Bobbejean on Ethan Day’s yahoo group for sharing this link. You can check out the project on YouTube at:

Please check it out and tell any gay kid in your life that It Gets Better!!


6 thoughts on “Video I Love: It Gets Better

  1. Great video, great couple and very inspiring words for ANY kid in High School. I wish they all knew that life is nothing like High School….It gets better for EVERYONE! I loved this Sloan thanks for sharing an thanks to Bobbejean

    • Well said, Elaine! Junior high and high school are nothing like the rest of life. I wish kids could see that they have so much ahead of them. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I saw this video here at this link….missed it here, Sloan! This author is doing a fundraiser for this too!
    Thought I’d share!

    • Thanks for sharing the link, Deanna! I actually blogged about KB’s efforts today. Love seeing people like her trying to make a difference.

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