For all my writer friends out there…
Share Your Wisdom, Inspiration & Experience With Other Writers

Rainbow Romance Writers (RRW), a chapter of Romance Writers of America, is looking for volunteers to submit brief quotes about writing to be featured in our newsletter, the Pot of Gold.
The newsletter is published quarterly for members of RRW, writers of LGBT romances at various stages of their writing careers (new writers working on their first story to multi-published authors, as well as a few publishers and editors).
If anyone is interested in submitting an original quote, we’d love for you to share your wisdom, experience, inspiration, humor, etc. about writing. Quotes will be selected based on their relevance to the current newsletter’s theme (New Year/New Beginnings). Topics could include motivation, setting goals, starting a new project, trying something new, or others. General quotes about writing and why you write are also welcome. Quotes submitted before January 17, 2011 will be considered for the upcoming edition and some may be saved for future editions.
Please use this form to submit a quote:
Feel free to pass along the link to anyone who may be interested.
Thank you,
Sloan Parker
RRW Newsletter Editor