Link Roundup: Fun, Funny & Touching

Man Reading In Bed

(c) Stock Photography

Fun & Funny

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Beautiful, Heroic & Interesting


10 things I’m loving about writing MORE THAN MOST (More #2)


  1. I’m learning more and more about Richard. I thought I had him all figured out in book one. Writing from his point of view in this sequel has definitely given me more to explore about him, including things that I hadn’t really considered before now.
  2. Whenever the very-damaged Luke opens up without being prompted, I just smile and think… Now that’s progress!
  3. I love when I reach that magic moment in the manuscript where a scene becomes so much more than what I’d planned in the outline. There’s more depth and meaning, and the dialogue sparks reactions and interactions that I hadn’t planned on.
  4. It’s been such a relief (and a surprise) that the sex and emotional scenes are still the easiest for me to draft. I was afraid writing a sequel with an existing relationship would mean I’d end up forcing the sex into the story, or that it would lack any kind of emotional punch.
  5. I’m really enjoying the moments where Matthew makes a comment that puts things into a new perspective for the other two.
  6. I adore the moments when the three men just let go and laugh together. Especially when it comes after an intense interaction.
  7. Richard, despite all of his strength and determination to succeed, can admit to his weaknesses and fears, and I find that very sexy.
  8. Revising is still a highlight of the writing process for me. I’ve gone back over the first few chapters several times now. Reworking the plot points, the characters’ actions and reactions, the dialogue, and the writing itself always gives me such a rush as the scene becomes more finalized.
  9. Hearing from readers who are excited to spend time with these characters again motivates me like nothing else.
  10. I still love writing about love. That’s fundamentally what it’s all about for me. There’s power and beauty in the briefest conversations and the smallest touches between lovers.

Friday Photos: Men and Their Dogs

If you’ve been following my blog for long, you know I’m a huge animal lover. So a guy who not only likes and respects animals, but also pours on the affection toward his pet without a care about how he “looks” to anyone, now that’s my kind of man.


(c), NanJMoore 2008


(c), Floriana 2011


(c), Eldad Carin 2013


(c), icefront 2007


(c), cerenzio 2004