Part 8 of MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK is now available

Cover-Sm-MoreThanJustSerialGenre: Gay Erotic Romance
Length: Part 8, 5700+ words

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Excerpt from part 8

Mark shifted to kneel on the floor before him. He laid his hands on Scott’s knees. “People who have love behind them are stronger than those without it.” He gripped him by the thighs and tugged him forward until Scott was straddling his lap on the floor. “They have more to fight for.” He drew him even closer, and they were plastered together, Scott’s legs wrapped around Mark. He slid a hand up Scott’s sides, under his T-shirt. Then he removed the shirt in one fluid motion.

Scott gasped as Mark kissed his skin at the base of his neck, an openmouthed kiss that went from his neck to a nipple without stopping. He gave another long tongue-filled kiss all the way back up to Scott’s ear, his warm breath drawing out goose bumps as he said, “Love makes you brave.”

Oh God. Scott tilted Mark’s head back and kissed him, unable to keep from showing how his words and actions affected him.

Never breaking the kiss with the movement, Mark rolled them, pinning Scott on the floor beneath him.

Scott clutched at his arms, tugging him closer, needing more of his kisses, his touches, more of Mark.

He wanted to feel every inch of Mark pressing down on him, wanted to connect with him beyond what sex or words could ever offer. Only he had no idea how to show that to him.

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