Quote I Love: A Blinding Urgency

For my quote of the week I’m sharing another one of my favorites from an m/m romance. This one is from Ransom by Lee Rowan. It’s the year 1799 and two shipmates in His Majesty’s Navy, Davy and Will, have found they are alone and in each other’s arms once again.

His lips tingled, the sweet hot touch of Davy’s mouth drawing his tongue deep inside—like kissing a girl but nothing like it, no courtesy, no caution, just a blinding urgency, almost the bloodlust of battle.

But he didn’t want to kill Davy or hurt him—God, no, he just wanted to get closer, somehow. He could feel his own blood racing, could sense another pulse through the thin barrier of cloth between them. He had never in his whole lonely life felt so close to another human being, but there was a familiarity about this, as though he knew exactly what to do. It was incredible, glorious, and hovering just out of reach was the tantalizing promise of one tiny bit more, and he wanted it desperately.

From Ransom by Lee Rowan

You can learn more about Lee Rowan’s work on her website.