Video I love: “Screw ’em” – works for hockey and writing

Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I love …

If you haven’t seen this one yet, you have to watch it. It’s a four-year-old boy’s priceless reenactment of the pivotal speech from Coach Herb Brooks (played by Kurt Russell) in the movie “Miracle” — which is one of my three favorite sports movies of all time, alongside “Rudy” and “We Are Marshall.”

I like movies that inspire people to achieve their dreams. Because dreams do come true. And if you believe anything else, you probably won’t ever see your own dreams happen any time soon. I believe in positive thinking and working hard for what you want most. Writing isn’t easy. A long-term relationship isn’t easy. Hell, love isn’t easy. But, for me, they are worth it. I wrote my first book and entered it into a local writing contest when I was in the second grade. It didn’t win, but it started something for me — it began a dream of writing fiction. And now … my first book is getting published in February.

If I or anyone else doubts my writing abilities, I’ll just say it like the kid … “screw ’em” and keep on writing.  :)

<<embedded video below>>

Be sure to check out this link to watch Russell’s original scene and learn more about how this boy and his father created the video. So tell me, what is your greatest dream? Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

Sloan Parker