Quote I Love: How cool is she?

“The cool thing is you’ve supported me in all my awkwardness and allowed me to grow into the kind of actress and kind of person I hope to be … So thank you for that very much. Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing, and it’s a process. … I was the girl in the front of the class who was the first person to put her hand up. It’s often not cool to be the person who puts herself out there … but I found that ultimately, if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in, amazing things can and will happen.”

–Emma Watson at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards.

At 23 years old…how cool is she?

Song I Love: Less than Perfect

Great video, great song, and I just adore Tina Majorino. Veronica Mars is still one of the best shows.

Watch the video on YouTube

Video I Love: Latter Days Montage

Here’s a nice little vid I saw on YouTube (NSFW). It’s a montage of clips from Latter Days. If you’ve never seen the film, definitely check it out. A charming romance about a Mormon missionary and a party boy with a happy ending. And Aaron is just adorable.

Quote I Love: This rabble you’re talking about

“Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you’re talking about… they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath? Anyway, my father didn’t think so. People were human beings to him.”

-George Bailey, It’s a Wonderful Life

Sometimes we all need a little encouragement

Whenever I have a frustrating writing day and the words don’t flow the way I’d prefer them to, I like to watch a clip or two from one of my favorite movies, Rudy. Talk about determination and dedication…