Video I Love: Cat vs Printer – The Translation

I shared this one on Facebook last week and knew it had to be my video of the week for my blog. It just makes me laugh every time I watch it. Hope it does the same for you.


Quote I Love: The Heart

“The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival.”

-Leo Buscaglia

This one reminds me of how important it is to be true to who we are, to live our lives with as much passion and honesty as possible.


Video I Love: Life’s a Roller Coaster

Still love this movie! This scene reminds me of what it’s like to write, edit, release, and promote a book. There are many ups and downs to putting your ideas into a story — and such a rush at times.

From: Parenthood

Hope you all have a great week!

Quote I Love: Have Something to Say

Lately I find myself ruminating more and more on reader expectations, what makes a good story, and where I want my writing to go in the future. I believe it’s important for authors to write stories they think readers of their genre will want to read, as well as writing with a passion for the story they want to tell. Hopefully those two outcomes will cross paths more often than not. I guess that’s the ideal most authors strive for.

Today I thought I’d share one of my favorite quotes about storytelling:

“Having something to say, or something you wish us to experience, is what gives your novel its power. Identify it. Make it loud. Do not be afraid of what’s burning in your heart. When it comes through on the page, you will be a true storyteller.”

Donald Maass

Contest & an Interview: Cocktails and Cock Tales

In celebration of my second release, I have two links to share:

  1. Today Reviews by Jessewave is hosting a giveaway. One commenter will win a free ebook of BREATHE.  Stop by for a chance to win and be sure to check out the site’s awesome new look.
  2. Also, I’m honored to be the first author interview at writer Deanna Wadsworth’s blog. She’s starting a new series titled “Cocktails and Cock Tales.” Isn’t that a great title? She’s looking for more authors to feature for any of you writers out there who are interested. Deanna recently had her first m/m release, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Congrats, Deanna!! Stop by if you can. I’m talking about my inspiration for Breathe, the easiest part to write, and the hardest, as well as what I’m working on now. Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments section at Deanna’s blog. I’d love to hear from you!

Good luck to all who enter Jessewave’s contest!