Quote I Love: A Writer is a Writer Because…

Once a week, I post a quote that I’ve read/heard recently. So here’s this week’s Quote I Love …

Here’s a quote for anyone who’s going after a dream. Who’s putting a buttload of energy and time and sweat into their passion. Who’s having setbacks and moments of doubt. Who has everything and everyone around them saying they should give up, but you don’t want to. Junot Díaz was right where you are. He almost gave up. But he persevered. He pulled out his old, crappy manuscript, and kept writing. And then he won the Pulitzer Prize.

“In my view a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.”

Junot Díaz
Pulitzer Prize Winner for 2008
From his article titled:  Battling my way to a Pulitzer Prize novel

No matter what your dream, I hope you have the strength and determination to stick with it. I believe if you work hard enough, most goals are achievable. Unfortunately, some people just have a longer road to travel. It is those people who really know what it means to accomplish something. And I hope when that moment comes for you, you know how to have a party and celebrate!

Best of luck to you all!
Sloan Parker

Quote I Love: Be Who You Are

Once a week, I post a quote that I’ve read/heard recently. So here’s this week’s Quote I Love …

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Attributed to Dr. Seuss
American Writer and Cartoonist

Words to live by, don’t you think?

Hope you have a great day,
Sloan Parker

Quote I Love: Mark Twain on Your Ambitions

Once a week, I post a quote that I’ve read/heard recently. So here’s this week’s Quote I Love …

Saw this great quote on Twitter thanks to author Alan Chin.

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Mark Twain

I think this is an important statement for all to remember. I hate when I see someone established in his/her career belittle the efforts of those just starting out. Or when someone who has never tried something, criticizes those who dare to try. I know critical reviews are important, but sometimes the difference between a critical discussion of someone’s work and a rude attack is a fine line to walk. My thinking is, if you can’t do it with tact and dignity (for both yourself and the other person), than it might be best not to say anything at all.

We are all on different journeys. We all have different ambitions and goals. And we all have a lot to learn. We just have different things to learn. I know I have a lot of room to grow. As a person. As a daughter. As a partner. As a writer. Learning and growing is part of the fun in living. It would be pretty boring if we were all the same.

Best of luck to each and every one of you in your chosen pursuits!

Thanks for stopping by today,

Quote I love: What Ellen DeGeneres Knows

Once a week, I post a quote that I’ve read/heard recently. So here’s this week’s Quote I Love …

I recently read this comment from Ellen in her list titled: What Ellen DeGeneres Knows for Sure (She Thinks)

“I know for sure I would never change any of the hard times I went through in my life. Because it was in those times that I grew the most and gained the most perspective.

It’s our challenges and obstacles that give us layers of depth and make us interesting. Are they fun when they happen? No. But they are what make us unique. And that’s what I know for sure…I think.”

Ellen DeGeneres

This really is a hard thing to accept when you’re in the middle of a crisis or painful time in your life, but I know I wouldn’t trade most of those moments if it meant my life wouldn’t be what it is now — if I wouldn’t be who I am now. I love where I am. I love where I’m going. I love the family I’ve built.

That said, there are people I miss, losses I’d do almost anything to change. Logically, I know I can’t undo any of those things, so in a way, I look at them from a distance (now that time has passed), and I accept them. Those moments have made me stronger, have helped me become who I am. I hope they have given me strength to handle any of the painful moments to come. We all have them. They can’t be avoided. I like what Ellen said about how they “give us layers of depth and make us interesting.” I hope that’s true for me.

Here’s hoping all of you have many, many good days ahead. And when you do have a challenging day, that it passes by quickly and you are stronger for it.

Thanks for stopping by,
Sloan Parker

Quote I love: Love is a discovery

Once a week, I post a quote that I’ve read/heard recently. So here’s this week’s Quote I love …

I saw this quote and wanted to share. It can be interpreted in a number of ways, but when I first read it, the line reminded me of Luke Moore, the main character from my debut novel. Luke has forced himself to live a life he never really wanted in order to avoid getting hurt, and it isn’t until he lets himself love again that he finds himself and the life he always wanted.

“Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.”

Alexander Smith
Scottish Poet

So do you have any favorite quotes about love? Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

Sloan Parker