To help ring in the new year with loads of love, I’m participating in the New Year’s Kisses Party 2014 hosted by Kay Berrisford, Tara Lain, and Angel Payne. Over seventy romance and erotica authors are sharing kisses from their books and giving away some wonderful prize packages. The event runs from December 31st to January 2nd.
To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is answer the question after each kiss for a chance to win one of three massive selections of romance and erotica ebooks, plus gift cards, and more!
You can access all the “kisses” once they are posted at this page (that list will be updated throughout the event).
The full prize list includes titles from a slew of authors, including a copy of my latest MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK.
Good luck if you enter and Happy New Year, everyone!!