Stomping on the doubt and crushing the hell out of it

Once a week I post about something I’m loving (tv, movies, books, art, photos, romances, authors, or anything else). So here is this week’s For the Love of…

I love being a writer.

I love brainstorming new characters and figuring out what their story is and how to tell it.

I love the editing process, the layering of story and characterizations.

But some days being a writer just plain sucks.

It can be hard to work through the self-doubt, the frustrations with a project, with the characters, with holes in the plot.

This morning was one of those days for me. The conflict for Breathe is a difficult setup for a romance story (I never said I take the easy road). People tend to have rather surprised and skeptical reactions when they hear what I’m writing about, and that fosters some doubt about whether or not I’ve wasted the last seven months. Usually, I’m able to stomp on the doubt and crush the hell out of it.

Some days it takes a little more effort than that.

So this morning I re-read a few of my favorite scenes from Breathe. They helped to remind me why I’m telling this story, what I love about it, and how happy I am with the way it’s turned out. Breathe has become the story I envisioned it to be, and I’m excited to be getting near the end of the writing process. I’m doing a final polish this month, working out a few kinks before I submit it.

It felt odd to use my own writing to cheer myself up, but it worked and I’m back to editing for the rest of the day.

So yeah, I love being a writer again.

6 thoughts on “Stomping on the doubt and crushing the hell out of it

  1. Hi Tracy! Thanks for the blogger award. It does look like fun. I’m game. You had some good ones listed, and I’m dying to know which are true and which are not.


  2. Sloan – we all go through those periods of self-doubt and questioning the story. I think when we work for so long with blinders on, we get so close the focus goes blurry on us. I love what I’ve read of Breathe so far (and hope to finish the excerpt tonight).

    I see Tracy got you too! I’m curious to see your responses.

  3. Thanks, Connie. I really appreciate your input. Like you said, we can lose focus and not see what others might. I’m out of my funk now and I even have time to edit tonight. Hot time on a Friday night.

    Can’t wait to read yours too!

  4. Sloan:

    I know Tracy tagged you with that creative writer blog award, so I didn’t “hit” you with it again…but I did give you an ‘honorable mention’ on my blog today.

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