Just for fun here’s the scene board for Take Me Home (cleverly covered by my editing check marks to avoid spoilers). Each scene actually has 8 or more check mark post-its. I kept track of my read-throughs on a scene-by-scene basis. First time I’d ever done that, and it worked well for me. Gave me a nice sense of accomplishment at the end of every day.
You are scary-organized *grins*
LOL @ Elaine. I am sometimes. The scene-by-scene overview helps me to see the big picture. It also assists in evaluating the overall pacing and keeping track of the various plot threads throughout the story.
Oooo!!! I hope you don’t mind if I borrow this fantastic idea! I’ve been trying to think of a better way to organize my writing, and I LOOOOVE post-it notes! :D
You should definitely try it, Ayda. I use a foam board and the post-it notes stick really well. They are great for moving around the scenes when I’m revising, and putting it all on a board like this helps me get a good overview of the action vs sex vs introspection, etc. Good luck if you try it out! Let me know how it goes.