Cover for Print Edition of MORE

I’m thrilled to share that the trade paperback edition of MORE is almost here. Check out the cover art…

After getting the print rights back from my publisher and doing a bit of research, I decided to go the self-publishing route. I don’t have a definite release date yet as I need to review the final proof before it can go live. It should be available for purchase in the next few weeks. Keep an eye on my site for more details.

Friday Photo: My cat playing a nun

I think my sweet disaster boy (he’s a giant klutz) wants to be a nun. He got the blanket on his own head and then just sat there for the longest time.

(c) Sloan Parker 2012

(c) Sloan Parker 2012



Quote I Love: Write Only What You Love

(c) istockphoto, DNY59 2011

“Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.”

–Ray Bradbury

Video I Love: Latter Days Montage

Here’s a nice little vid I saw on YouTube (NSFW). It’s a montage of clips from Latter Days. If you’ve never seen the film, definitely check it out. A charming romance about a Mormon missionary and a party boy with a happy ending. And Aaron is just adorable.

Another Preview of more from More Than Just a Good Book

Good news! I have the next installment of More Than Just a Good Book written. It’s three scenes. Just need to do some tweaks and have a couple people go over it. In the meantime, here’s another sneak peek at what’s next for Mark and Scott. And if you didn’t get a chance to check it out during the scavenger hunt, you can view a longer preview at Mary Calmes’s blog.

From Part 5, coming soon…

“What do you mean it’s been cancelled?” Mark stared at his advisor across the cramped office space and tried to process what Dr. Wolfe had just said and what it could mean.

His dissertation defense had been postponed. Indefinitely.

Dr Wolfe didn’t say anything for half a minute or so, which felt a hell of a lot longer. The man was always direct, the kind of guy who looked you in the eye and told you the truth about your work, about your potential, whether you wanted to hear it or not. He’d said on many occasions that anything other than sheer honesty only held a person back.

The hesitation wasn’t a good sign.

Finally, he spoke again. “They need to investigate an allegation before the committee will agree to meet with you.”

Can’t wait to share the rest.