Three-Word Scenario: Partners (an M/M scene)

I wrote a new three-word scenario this week. It’s called Partners and includes the following three words:

Retro, Parking, and MattressStop by my website to check out this snippet with cops Sawyer and Finn. Or you can read it below.

by Sloan Parker

Sawyer drew in a long breath and leaned back on his elbows. His T-shirt lay crumpled in a ball beside him on the mattress, and his jeans were open at the front. He didn’t bother to zip them up. In a few minutes he and Finn would get back to where they’d been headed.

Who the hell got half naked, kissed like they’d been doing five minutes ago, and then stopped before they got to the fucking? Something was seriously messed up between them.

Finn stood across the room, his back to the wall, his arms folded across his bare chest. He sported a scowl that said everything Sawyer didn’t want to hear.

Or maybe he did. Maybe they needed to have this conversation. Get everything out in the open. Finally.

They hadn’t slept together in weeks. Every night after work, they hung out at Sawyer’s apartment, watching one of those ’70s cops shows, not talking, not even laughing at the stupid-ass crooks or the retro hairstyles they usually mocked all through the show.

Sawyer threw Finn a smirk, knowing that alone would piss him off. “You’re mad at me.”

Finn kept his hard gaze locked on Sawyer’s chest. “I’m not mad.”

“Fuck that. You’ve been mad at me since that day in the parking garage. Like it was my fault.”

“You got shot.”

“I didn’t ask the guy to shoot me.”

Finn made eye contact for the first time since the kissing ended. “You might as well have. You went at him like you had no training at all.”

Sawyer sat up with a jolt. “Are you calling me a shitty cop?

“No. I’m calling you a reckless one.”

“I know you don’t mean that.” Slowly, like he might spook Finn if he moved too fast, Sawyer got off the bed and went to stand in front of him. “Just like I knew in that garage you’d have my back. Like always.”

Finn met his gaze again and grunted out a laugh. He didn’t let up on the tense posture, though.

Sawyer grabbed him by the back of the neck and yanked him forward until they were eye to eye, their foreheads almost touching. “Just admit it. You’re pissed about the shooting because it freaked you out like nothing else on the job ever has. And it freaked you out because you’re in love with me.” He drew him forward until they were back to the kissing, this time their mouths and tongues and bodies coming together slowly, tenderly.

When they finally parted, Finn leaned against the wall again, the tension in his body long gone. “God, you’re infuriating.” He smiled with a softness Sawyer had never seen before.

“And you’re right,” Finn added. “About everything. So don’t ever get your ass shot again.”

Sawyer gripped him by the waistband of his jeans and tugged until Finn was in his arms again. “Deal.”

Copyright (c) March 2013 by Sloan Parker

This short has now been revised and expanded into a longer story. It is now available in the e-book FRIENDS AND LOVERS.

Read more 3-word scenarios and other free fiction by Sloan Parker

New Website is Live!

New Sloan Parker Site DesignMy new website went live this week. There are a few minor tweaks my web guru and I need to work on yet (including a mobile version), but all the content from the old site is there and the new design has been added to the blog as well. I’m very happy to have the website and blog more integrated. I hope it makes it easier for new visitors to browse around and find what they’re looking for.

If you’re trying to find something and can’t locate it, or if something doesn’t look or work right on your end, please drop me a line so we can get it corrected. Thanks!


Quote I Love: Sail away from the safe harbor

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails…explore…dream…discover.”

– Mark Twain

Inside Look at Writing More 2: Poor Luke

Yesterday while working on the sequel to MORE, I added something I hadn’t planned on before now. It was a very intense moment between Matthew and Richard. No matter how far Luke has come, it’s a little scary when he’s the one who has to make the other two talk. This scene doesn’t take place until later in the book than what I’ve been working on, but I just had too many ideas running through my head. I had to get their conversation down. Now I’m back to working on earlier chapters. I cannot wait to get to the follow-up scenes after that Matthew/Richard moment.

I also completed changes to the Epilogue for BREATHE that I’ve been wanting to write since I first finished that book. As I read through it one last time, I cried and sighed and smiled like a goofball. Love those guys. I’ve sent it off to my editor to review. More news on that will be coming soon.

And part six of MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK has been sent to a couple of people who help me with the editing. My newsletter followers will be the first to be notified when part six is available to read via my website, so be sure to sign up to receive my newsletter if you haven’t yet.

Well that’s where I’m at with my current projects. Hope you all are having a great week!

Quote I Love: Passion: The Sense of Being

“Passion… it’s the atmosphere, the noise, it’s the time, the taste, the smell, and the sense of being. I think it’s being alive at a point where it’s so joyful it can almost be painful.”
