MORE THAN MOST: Release Date, Blurb & Cover Reveal



MORE is re-releasing around February 10th. This is a re-issue of the previously published e-book. There were some corrections made to the text, but the story is the same. Since this is a re-release, we have to wait until the original version is removed and then upload the new file, but this is our best estimate on when we’ll start having it available. It could take a few days, or even a couple of weeks, before it starts showing up at all the retailers.

MORE THAN MOST (MORE BOOK 2) will be out April 28th. The plan is to have the e-book up for pre-order a couple of weeks before that, which helps it show up quicker at e-bookstores on the actual release date. To give my regular readers a special deal, we’ll be offering MORE THAN MOST at a special introductory price during the pre-order period and for 1 or 2 weeks after release day. After that, it will return to its regular price in May, so be sure to look for the book early. The trade paperback will be out shortly after the e-book is released.

MORE THAN EVER (MORE BOOK 3) is the title for Matthew’s book. This one’s still in the works, so we don’t have an estimate on the release date yet.


SP_More_coverMd SP_More2_MoreThanMost_coverMd

*There was a coloring issue with the original cover for the re-issue of MORE that I shared a few weeks ago, so we redid the covers for this series.


Richard, Luke, and Matthew return in this sequel to MORE, a Rainbow Award winner for Best Gay Contemporary Romance. Investment manager and always-in-control Richard Marshall has just landed a historic estate he’s waited years to acquire. Gone a lot for his work, he’s seriously craving his men. Yet it’s more than just the sex he’s missing. Emotionally-traumatized Luke is still dealing with the aftereffects of his father’s attempt to kill him, and Matthew’s trying to find his way as part of a ménage

When Luke and Matthew come clean with Richard about what they’ve been feeling, he knows there’s only one way to solve all his problems: keep them close by accepting their help to investigate why someone wants to destroy the mansion he’s trying to save. When it becomes clear he’s put his family in danger, Richard has to
choose between giving up control and pushing away the men he loves right when they’ve started to heal and have rekindled the explosive chemistry that brought them all together.

A ménage relationship is hard enough. Add in danger, intrigue, a haunted mansion, and three sexually frustrated men, and it’s not a typical love story. It’s much more.

Coming April 28, 2015

Re-release of HOW TO SAVE A LIFE now available & an update on book 2 in The Haven series


A serious ex-cop and a klutzy younger reporter–who’s just accepting that he might be gay–form an unlikely alliance in HOW TO SAVE A LIFE (THE HAVEN BOOK 1) 


I’m pleased to share that the e-book re-release of HOW TO SAVE A LIFE is now available at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, and Smashwords. It’ll be coming to B&N, iTunes, and more stores soon. (It can take a couple of days to several weeks for the book to get approved at my distributor and listed at the various sites.)

This edition is the same as the original e-book version, with only a couple of minor corrections made to the text. It also has a different cover that matches the trade paperback edition.


I’m tentatively calling this one: HOW TO HEAL A LIFE. I have a high-level outline done for this story, and I’ve been adding notes to it as ideas come to me. Over the past couple of days I’ve added dialogue from several conversations between Seth and Vargas that I just love. I can’t wait to dig in and write this one. Right now I’m finishing up the rough draft of Matthew’s book (MORE Book 3, which also has a title: MORE THAN EVER). You can read more about my plans on my updated Works in Progress page.

Update on THE HAVEN and MORE series

I’m excited to share that I will be re-releasing a couple of my novels, MORE (More Book #1) and HOW TO SAVE A LIFE (The Haven Book #1), under my own self-publishing imprint Sloan Parker Press. The upcoming books in each series will also be published by Sloan Parker Press.

I have a fabulous team in place (beta readers, editors, designers, and more) to help bring you these books throughout 2015 and 2016. The publishing world has been changing rapidly for the past few years, and there are more opportunities for authors to have a say in the process than ever before. I’m thrilled to be able to do more self-publishing of my work.

Both MORE and HOW TO SAVE A LIFE will have new e-book covers, and minor corrections will be made to the text of each book.

HOW TO SAVE A LIFE will be re-released in January, and then MORE should be out not too long after that (the release dates for these and the sequel for MORE are based on when the rights revert back to me). There may be a few days where the e-book formats for these novels are not available for purchase at the various bookstores due to the transition of the books to my self-publishing imprint.

In any case, we’ll be getting all Sloan Parker books back up for sale as soon as possible. I’ll share a release date for the sequel to MORE (titled MORE THAN MOST) as soon as the details are worked out. But once MORE is re-released, the sequel should follow 2 months later. I can’t wait to share more of Luke, Richard, and Matthew with everyone!

Revised edition of BREATHE now available in e-book and trade paperback


I’m thrilled to share that the updated version of BREATHE with new cover art is out in bookstores now. This edition includes the original novel as well as the epilogue WHAT YOU DO TO ME that was previously available separately. You can pick up a copy in both e-book and trade paperback formats.

The e-book is available at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, and Smashwords. It’ll also be available soon at Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and other stores. The paperback is at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and CreateSpace.

*For readers who purchased the previous edition of BREATHE, you can still read the free epilogue on my website.

Cover Reveal: Re-release of BREATHE


Later this month I’m getting the rights back on one of my bestselling books, BREATHE, and both the ebook and print editions are being re-released with a new cover. It’s the same story with a few corrections to the text. It will also include the epilogue (What You Do to Me) that was released separately at Loose Id in 2013. (For those who already have a copy of BREATHE, the epilogue will remain on my website as a free read.)

Look for the new print and ebook editions of BREATHE at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and other bookstores in the coming weeks.