GLBT Bookshelf

This past week, I finished writing an article about GLBT Bookshelf, a new on-line community. As their web site states, this is a site for “writers, artists, publishers, reviewers and readers … with a difference. We’re a GLBT Community, where the emphasis is on gay books. If you enjoy a great gay read, this is the place for you!”

The article will be featured in the upcoming Rainbow Romance Writers’ chapter newsletter. I had the pleasure of talking with the site’s creator, Mel Keegan. Mel is passionate about this site, and I could see why. It’s a global community dedicated to supporting and promoting GLBT books … and ONLY GLBT books. Kinda nice, huh? Writers of gay stories often have to deal with discrimination against their writing in contests, bookstores, and other areas of the business. It’s nice to have a site where all the books, opinions, reviews, and more are not excluded or judged for their gay content. You can click into the Bookstore and all the books are GLBT, categorized by genre. Way to go Mel Keegan and the other site administrators.

So check it out. You can browse for books, post reviews, participate in discussions, look at cover art, and more at


Here’s the page I created on the site. My page includes info on my writing and free fiction. I also list some of my favorite authors and books since I don’t just write gay stories–I read them too!

What do you think? Have you checked out GLBT Bookshelf yet? Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the site.

Sloan Parker

For the love of:

Once a week I post about something I’m loving (tv, movies, books, art, photos, romances, authors, or anything else) that I’ve seen or read about recently. So here’s this week’s For the love of …

I am loving Michael Breyette’s art. It’s beautiful and inspiring. Check out his gallery, browse the on-line shop, or send a friend an ecard. Click the banner below to check it out. Please note: the site contains explicit gay imagery.


Here’s a description from the site.

“Michael’s pastel paintings capture the stunning beauty of the male form with warmth and sensitivity while never shying away from lustful eroticism.

This website contains fine art depictions of male nudity, gay themes, and men in sensual and romatic situations. Do not enter if you choose to be offended by this subject matter.

Otherwise, if you appreciate the male form in all its glory, come on inside and enjoy”

Enjoy, indeed.
Sloan Parker

A snapshot from my own life

Baby Girl

(c) Sloan Parker, 2009


Today, I’m loving my cat, Cordy.

This week, I’ve been busy with writing deadlines, family obligations, and home repair issues. It’s been a little stressful. Cordy is a simple creature, and sometimes, I admire that. She likes a good nap, being fed on time, and playing with her brothers. And plus, she’s just darn cute.

Reviews by Jessewave has a new look

Reviews by Jessewave has a new website and address so be sure to update your links, bookmarks, and feeds to

For those of you who don’t know much about it: Reviews by Jessewave is a review site for Male/Male adult themed romance books. It always has thorough reviews, interesting articles, and fun stuff too. I’ve been following it for some time and find the reviews helpful when selecting books to read.

Be sure to check out the new site if you haven’t done so yet. It loads faster and has a great look. Congrats to Wave and her team for their hard work. And best of luck to them on the new site!

Get Rid of the Black Background on a Website

It seems people either love reading websites that have white text on black, or they hate it.

I like the look of a black site, but I have difficulty reading white on black. I have some funky thing that happens with my eyes. Awhile back, someone posted on Reviews by Jessewave that they had a similar issue so I responded with a tip on what I use to fix this (it’s called Zap Colors). There was a follow-up question recently so I thought I’d post some instructions for anyone having the same issue.

Click here for the instructions
There are two different options (one that works great with Firefox and one for Internet Explorer). I hope this works for any of you having similar problems.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions. I’d love to hear what ideas others have.