My latest newsletter was sent out yesterday. It includes the release date for HOW TO SAVE A LIFE (October 24th!), a link to a chat I had with Luke Moore from the MORE series, and news about my latest free read at Amazon.
Story Inspiration: Close Together
Are they on a date? Did they just meet? Or are they friends sitting close? Does one have a crush on the other? Is one about to make a move? What are they talking about? Does someone have a secret? How will this scene end? So many ideas!
Celebration Time: 8th Anniversary of the M/M Goodreads Group
“In 2009 this group was started by a few people who wanted to share their passion for the M/M genre. Never did they dream that their little group would grow to have over 22,500 members in 2017!” – The M/M Romance Group Mods
That’s an amazing amount of growth in 8 years, and it’s so exciting knowing that every day new readers are experiencing and exploring the genre.
The celebration at the Goodreads group is a week-long party with lots of games and loads of prizes. Winners are chosen at random from entries received, so make sure you check it out. You might win a prize or two. You can join all the fun at Goodreads.
Our Beautiful World: Gorgeous Landscapes
A Touch, a Kiss, and Other Images Showcasing Beautiful Love
Here are some of my recent “beautiful love” finds at Pinterest. If you can’t see the embedded images below, you can view my entire Beautiful Love board on my Pinterest page. Just scanning these pics gives me so many feels and so many story ideas!