Want to know where things are with my current works-in-progress? Here are a few status updates.
It seems my new early, EARLY morning writing routine is really working for me. It’s been great for my output and creativity.
- The first draft of MORE THAN EVER (More Book 3) is finished. I’m letting the story sit for a bit while I work on the Haven book 2, and then I’ll come back and do revisions.
- I’m currently working on HOW TO HEAL A LIFE (The Haven Book 2). The initial draft is going really well. I’m absolutely loving the intensity and chemistry between Seth and Vargas. The other day I wrote what is so far my favorite scene with them. Seth is stronger than he realizes, and Vargas is even more in love than he thought.
- Jotted down notes for The Haven series book 3. I cannot wait. I’m not sharing the names of the two guys for this one yet. At least not until I’m nearing the end of writing book 2, just in case my plans change.
- Wrapped up the first draft of IN THIS MOMENT (a friends-to-lovers novella). At over 36,000 words, this one might actually turn into a short novel when it’s all done.
- Also finished a new short story tentatively titled MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
- And the new design for my website is all done and approved. When it’s finished, it’ll be more mobile friendly with a new look and easier to follow updates right on the homepage. Can’t wait until all the content’s loaded and it’s up and running!
Thanks for checking out my latest progress.