Video I Love: Homecoming. Just Beautiful.

Saw this on LC Chase’s blog. Such a great video.

Direct YouTube link

Video I Love: Zach Wahls Speaks About Family

An amazing young man…

“Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old University of Iowa student spoke about the strength of his family during a public forum on House Joint Resolution 6 in the Iowa House of Representatives. Wahls has two mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa.” (Source: YouTube)

Unfortunately, the Iowa House passed the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. “In order to become law, the amendment must now pass in the Democratic-controlled Iowa Senate.”

I have hope that more people will listen to Zach Wahls and all he represents.

Donate a blog post day: Matthew Shepard Foundation

No regular post today. Instead, I’m donating my blog post to a non-profit organization — one that I think is worthy of attention from anyone interested in making the world a better place. So here’s my pick for “donate a blog post day.” Please take a look.

This week here in the US, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. I thought it was the perfect time to create a new section of my blog titled “Donate a blog post day.” I’ll be posting these occasionally throughout the year. So here’s my first selection…


The Matthew Shepard Foundation
Seeks to “Replace Hate with Understanding, Compassion & Acceptance” through its varied educational, outreach and advocacy programs and by continuing to tell Matthew’s story.

Even after all this time, I still can’t watch or read about Matthew and not cry. If you’ve never seen the video from the foundation’s site, take a look below. And also, please take a moment to think about what you can do in memory of Matthew. I know not all of us have a lot of money to spare, but you can help in small ways. How about sending out a tweet with a link to the foundation’s site so that others never forget the tragedy of what can happen to people like Matthew? Or adding a link on your website or blog to help spread the foundation’s message? Find out how to get a banner ad for your site here.

(embedded video below)

Matthew Shepard Foundation Organizational Video from Matthew Shepard Foundation on Vimeo.

Thanks for taking a minute to read about this important organization. It’s people like you who care who will help make a difference.

Have a great day!
Sloan Parker