Video I Love: Pin-tastic Portrait

This week at my publisher’s group blog, Loose Ends, I blogged about this wickedly cool video (below), the common questions I get asked by non-writers, and what I celebrate about being me. Stop by and share what you celebrate about yourself.

They saw a swing set. I saw a dinosaur.

Here’s the video if you just want to check that out:

Or you can watch it at YouTube

Have a good weekend!

Make the Yuletide Gay

Join me and several other m/m authors as we celebrate the holiday season on Keira Andrews’s blog. You can check out several of the posts already there. Mine will be coming December 19 and will include an excerpt from Take Me Home that I have not shared yet here on the blog or my website. Although, it won’t be new to those of you who pick up a copy of Take Me Home when it releases this week.

For those of you who do check out Take Me Home, I truly hope you enjoy Kyle and Evan’s story.

Thanks for checking out Keira’s blog and helping us celebrate the holiday season.

For the Love of: Audio Books & Editors

(c), Tony Tremblay 2005

Sharing a couple links today…

  • Earlier this week I blogged about my love of audio books at my RWA chapter blog. The post is titled What Else Can I Clean? I’d love for you to stop by and let me know what you think of audio books. Do you listen to them? If so, do you find you lose yourself in the story as much as if you were reading the book yourself? Or perhaps more?
  • Author SJ Frost has written a fabulous article about the unsung heroes of the publishing world: the editors. Definitely all true, so I’ll take this opportunity to say another huge thank you to my editor at Loose Id, Antonia, and the line editors and proof readers who have helped with my stories. Your insights, time, and effort are greatly appreciated!

Guest Blog: Wondering About Shorts

(c) istockphoto, LesByerley, 2005

I’m guest blogging at Loose Ends, talking about shorts (short stories, that is). Wondering if readers of m/m romances like reading shorts? I’d love to hear your opinion.

Wondering About Shorts


Guest Blog: What I Learned Writing Two Erotic Romances

I’m the guest at Tara Lain’s blog, sharing what I’ve learned from writing my two erotic romances, MORE and BREATHE. I’m also asking if you can tell when an author has passion (or not) for their story? Stop by and leave a comment. I’d love to hear what you think.

What I Learned Writing Two Erotic Romances
