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I cannot tell you how much I adore this story: J.K. Rowling found out her books helped save this baby’s life. Her response was magic. Devoted, loving parents, a little fighter who wouldn’t give up, and a lovely author and her gift. It illustrates the power of words and stories, a comforting voice in the darkness, and most of all, love.
My favorite part…
“Ahead of her lies the hippogriff and the golden snitch and the time-turner and a sprawling, dazzling world where girls are the smartest, the strangest people make the best friends, and you can’t judge someone until you see what they have seen. She will be reminded that no one gets through life alone, and children carry the strength inside them to right the world. I hope she will remember that she has carried a bit of that magic with her, all this time.” – Kelley Benham French, the child’s mother.