Matthew’s book is really coming along now. My first beta reader (aka my wife) started reading it last night. At one point, she burst out laughing and then almost cried. I’m taking that as a good sign. I can’t wait to share more of these guys with you.
The book will be out this year, but I don’t have an exact date yet. It’ll depend on how the schedule for edits works out and if there are any major revisions. Since I’m completely self-published now, I prefer to make the book live as soon as I can, rather than make you wait for a future release date. I’ll share more details as soon as I can.
In the meantime, here’s a brief snippet preview:
Showered and dressed, I headed downstairs. One look in the kitchen and I came to a sudden stop in the doorway, the breath catching in my throat.
Even after all this time, seeing them together, spotting any physical contact or intimacy between the two of them, always left me spellbound.
Luke was standing at the stove, a spatula in hand as he eyed a pancake cooking on the griddle before him. Richard was directly behind him, his arms around Luke’s waist, his chin resting on Luke’s shoulder. He also had his focus on that pancake on the stovetop as if he had nowhere else he’d rather be.
I knew the truth. It wasn’t the pancake that had Richard captivated.