Quote I Love: To Be Fully Seen


“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

Quote I Love: Never Remain Silent


“…each and every one of us is responsible for contributing to the character of our nation. And, unfortunately, racism, homophobia, misogyny, religious intolerance, and so many other forms of bigotry continue to disfigure its character. If this is ever going to change, it will only happen because we refuse to put up with it any longer.

…we who place human dignity at the pinnacle of morality must never remain silent when confronted by prejudice, intolerance, and hatred. Let our refusal to do so stand as our tribute to the lives that were taken today.”

-Jeffrey L. Falick

Quote I Love: When She Reads


“See, she goes places when she reads. I know all about that. When I’m reading, wherever I am, I’m always somewhere else.”  ― Rebecca Wells

Quote I Love: Loved for Ourselves


“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.” — Victor Hugo

Quote I Love: We must all be travelers

(c) Nejron / www.fotosearch.com Stock Photography

(c) Nejron / www.fotosearch.com Stock Photography

“I want to live in a society filled with people who are curious and concerned about each other rather than afraid of each other. I want to live in a world full of brave people who are willing to risk not only adventure but emotional intimacy. I want to live in a world full of explorers and generous souls rather than people who have voluntarily become prisoners of their own fortresses. I want to live in a world full of people who look into each other’s faces along the path of life and ask, Who are you, my friend, and how can we serve each other? For that to happen, we must all be travelers—in the world, in our own communities, and even in our imaginations.”

Elizabeth M. Gilbert

The above quote was taken from the article “Elizabeth Gilbert’s Life-Changing Story from Indonesia (That You Haven’t Heard),” which is well worth a read.