If you haven’t heard…

I’m sad to say that my former publisher Loose Id is closing its doors on May 7, 2018. Loose Id gave my first book MORE a chance, and I will always be grateful for the opportunity they offered me to share my stories with readers. I learned a lot working with LI and their editors, and I’m very sorry to see another indie publisher go out of business. I wish every author with Loose Id the best as they work to find a new home for their books.

As a customer, if you’ve recently purchased books through Loose Id, be sure to download those titles as soon as you can and also check if you have any rewards or points to spend. Here’s the latest from Loose Id regarding customer transactions:

  • May 7, 2018: Last day to make purchases on loose-id.com and with resellers of Loose Id books. Gift certificates expire. Idcents expire. Any contest prizes must be claimed.
  • May 9, 2018: All purchases and customer libraries must be downloaded by this date.

All Romance eBooks is Closing as of 12/31/16. Download your books!

All Romance eBooks announced yesterday that they are shutting down operations as of 12/31/2016.

If you have purchased books in your library that you didn’t back up, be sure to download them before the site goes dark in just a couple of days.

Also, if you have ebooks bucks left in your account, try to use those as soon as you can. Some people have said their ebook bucks have been frozen, but my wife was able to use hers last night. She had to make sure the total of her order was smaller than the amount of ebook bucks, then she was able to see the option to use her available funds.

The All Romance site has been overwhelmed with traffic since it announced its plans to close and completely shut the site down. It seems somewhat better today than last night. However, if you have purchased any of my ebooks and were not able to download them from the All Romance site, send me a copy of your receipt, and I will email you the book.

I will be leaving my self-published titles up for a little while longer so that anyone with gift cards can select my books if they’d like.