Tag Archives: writing
It’s All About the Feels

Photo License: CC0 Public Domain
When looking at a picture and thinking about that particular place in terms of setting, I like images that are striking, that evoke emotion or set a particular mood. When revealing where a scene is taking place, it’s often more powerful to do so through the character’s other senses, rather than merely running through a descriptive list of what is visually present.
For me, a picture often sparks ideas for how to describe those little sensory details, such as how a character can feel the slick brick sidewalk beneath his feet as he walks the city streets and tries to deal with the disaster his life has become, how she can hear the slow trickling of water that transfixes her as she nears the stream situated beside her childhood home, how he can feel the worn, smooth leather beneath his palms on the couch where he had his first kiss years earlier.
I like taking such sensory details and matching them to what the character is feeling and the mood of the scene. Visuals can go a long way in helping me discover those details.
Here are a few of my recent Setting Inspiration Finds:

Photo License: CC0 Public Domain

Photo License: CC0 Public Domain

Photo License: CC0 Public Domain

Photo License: CC0 Public Domain
Quote I Love: Our Deepest Selves
Interview & Giveaway: Enter for a chance to win a gift card and free Sloan Parker book
I’m a guest at On Top Down Under Book Reviews this week to help celebrate their third anniversary. I’m talking about writing the sequels to MORE, the next Haven book, and my other upcoming projects.
Stop by to check out my interview, enter the giveaway, and wish On Top Down Under congrats for three years of blog awesomeness.
Interview and Giveaway: More about MORE series
I’m the author spotlight this week over at Diverse Reader, sharing about the MORE series, writing sex scenes in a menage story, and the actors I’d pick for Luke, Richard, and Matthew.
As of this posting, there’s 36 hours left in the giveaway, so be sure to stop by my interview at Diverse Reader to enter for a chance to win a free e-book from my backlist.