For Writers: What I Use to Plot a Novel

Brad Paisley Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one

The Writing Resources page of my website has been updated with more links to articles and resources that I’ve found helpful or interesting over the past few years.

Two of the additions under the heading “Plotting Methods” are the ones I now use for each book:

Together these articles provide a reminder list of what to include when I’m first laying out the overall plan of a project and help me keep the story focused and powerful, as well as personal to the characters.

I hope these resources are helpful to other writers as well. Best of luck with your storytelling!

Name? What do you mean Naked Guy needs a name?

I blogged at my RWA group blog today about naming characters. Would love for you to stop by and see what my crazy writer brain is up to now.

Name? What do you mean Naked Guy needs a name?

Works-In-Progress Status & Writing Resources

Just a quick update today. Thought I’d share that two new sections have been added to my website.

  1. Works-in-progress
    This lists all the projects I am working on or have plans to work on in the future. I’ll update as often as I can and include the date last updated at the top of the page. The same works-in-progress list is also included on the homepage so readers don’t have to hunt around the site for the status updates.
  2. For Writers
    A list of resources I’ve found helpful as a writer. Topics include grammar, editing, plotting methods, character charts, publishing info, and more.

If you have any other suggestions for what you’d like to see on the status updates page, please let me know. Thanks!