Video I Love: A Kiss

Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I Love …

This weekend I finished making changes from the line edits for my debut novel, More. I’m excited and the story is on my mind a lot again, so I thought I would share a video today that reminds me of the more intimate moments in More. The guy with the wandering mouth reminds me of Matthew. He doesn’t really look exactly how I picture Matthew, but something about the way he kisses reminds me of him.

This is a beautiful, erotic kiss. I will warn you it’s steamy, but it is only an intense kiss (okay, a bit more) and the clothes stay on (well, on but pushed up a bit). Anyway, it’s one great video from YouTube. Take a look…

(embedded video)

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Sloan Parker