Video I Love: Marry Me

God I LOVE this one. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s so worth a few minutes of your time.

If you can’t see the embedded video, you can view here: marry me from elvisdifazio on Vimeo.

Video I Love: Don’t mess with Rose Nylund

Was browsing YouTube the other day and spotted this gem. One of my all-time favorite moments from The Golden Girls.

If the embedded video above doesn’t display, you can watch it on YouTube

Video I Love: Happy Valentine’s Day

Two great Valentine’s Day videos…

If the video above doesn’t display, you can watch it on YouTube

If the video above doesn’t display, you can watch it on YouTube

Video I Love: Mr. Duckett and Dr. Jones

I absolutely adore this…

You can watch the video on YouTube here.


Grady and Mateo’s Song

Coming Soon I Swear To You

I’ve heard back from my publisher on I SWEAR TO YOU, and they love the final story!

So today I thought I’d share Grady and Mateo’s song. These lyrics are just about perfect for them.

“Arms” by Christina Perri on YouTube