Video I Love: The Perfect First Dance at a Gay Wedding

Thanks to Claudia for sharing this one on Facebook.

If the video is not embedded above, you can watch here.

Link Roundup: m/m Role Playing Game, Customize an m/m, A Coming Out & more

  • A Rush of Ideas: my group blog post where I talk about one of the aspects I love most about writing: the start of a new story. As I work on Walter and Kevin’s book, I’m getting the ideas down for a new story, and I’m having a fantastic time with it (and yes, I still have two more MORE books coming also). I love when there is no shortage of ideas.
  • A yaoi role-playing game: Hot Guys Making Out. I read what one guy said about playing this game (in a private email) and it sounds neat. (Thanks to my uncle for sharing this one. Thanks, T!)
  • Interesting… an M/M romance in which you enter your own details and customize the book.
  • Joanna Stampfel-Volpe responds to a recent PW blog post on LGBTQ YA. On Being Used, the Lack of LGBTQ Characters in YA, and Why It’s Important to Work Together

Source: (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

  • Repeal of gay ban causing few waves in military
  • Airman tells dad he is gay as ‘don’t ask’ policy disappears. From his Youtube video: “I called my dad to tell him the hardest thing that gay guys will ever have to say.” Brought back memories of talking to my own parents. Not an easy thing to do even when everyone already suspects. (thanks to my niece for sharing the link. Thanks, A!)
  • As gay military ban ends, officer sheds his alias
  • I haven’t really had time to check out this blog but it looks interesting: gaytwogether
  • For the writers out there, this is an excellent article from Joseph O’Connor. He shares his tips for writing fiction and I’ve included a couple fab quotes below.
  • As Checkov said: ‘Don’t tell me the moon is shining. Show me moonlight reflected on broken glass.’ One of the strangest paradoxes of writing fiction is that the more you tell the reader, the less he or she knows. If you write ‘we were very happy indeed’ the reader thinks ‘big deal’. If you write ‘we grabbed each other and hugged and we couldn’t stop laughing’ the reader is in the scene. Putting the reader in the scene is everything to the storyteller. So describe what you can see, not what you know. Use visual words when possible. And never be afraid of leaving something out. Leaving something out is a powerful invitation to the reader, an incitement to the imagination of the person you must never forget. The reader is an essential participant in what you are writing. Meet them half way, and never more than that.
    – From: Joseph O’Connor
  • I think of it in musical terms. The writer is providing the sheet music. It’s the reader who is singing the song. To know who you’d like to make sing is an important factor. It also helps to stop writing being egotistical. Writing must always be about the reader, in the end, not the writer. If I have one single commandment, that’s it.
    – From:  Joseph O’Connor
  • And another one for writers: Paper Boats: Bail water or bail out? Knowing When to Abandon Your Wip by Josh Lanyon
  • And a little eye candy for everyone:
  • Lastly, because you know I love this site, here are some screenshots from Damn You Auto Correct

Have a great weekend, everyone! I’ll be doing some brainstorming with my local writing group. We have such a blast when we get together to work on our story ideas. The conversations that come up are priceless. Last year there was mention of Fire Lube and artificial immaculate insemination and orgasming (is that a word?) your way across a room full of bodies. I wonder what we’ll discuss this time around.

Remembering 9/11

(c) istockphoto, oday222 2007

Like most Americans, I will never forget that day ten years ago. I remember exactly where I was when I heard that the first plane had crashed, then the next, and the next, and finally the last. I remember the impossibility of watching men and women jump to their deaths from the World Trade Center. I remember watching the twin tours collapse and not comprehending what I was seeing. I remember the tears, the fear, the countless stories of heartbreak and heroism that left me speechless.

And proud.

I remember the chilling moment I saw a plane flying overhead on the day they started air traffic again. I remember talking with strangers in stores and on sidewalks, sharing news and comments as if we were old friends.

In honor of remembering that day and all who were lost, here’s an amazing memorial video and a link to the story of one of the day’s heroes and the brave mother he left behind.

Sand Art – “Never Forget” a 9/11 Momorial by Joe Castillo

Unexpected legacy left by hero of Flight 93: How a mom has “became a tireless advocate for issues that were important to her son.” “The openly gay rugby player was one of the heroic passengers who led a revolt against the terrorists on United Airlines Flight 93.” (I don’t think the video is available anymore, but you can still read the story).

What do you remember about that day?

Video I Love: The Edge of Glory

Sorry I disappeared from the blog for a bit. Last week was a long, long week with a sick cat, computer virus, and internet issues. But I’m back online and wanted to share this lovely video.

Quote from YouTube: “This video is for everybody. Who has ever loved. And has been loved in return. To those that think it never does or will get better. It does. It does get better, it becomes beautiful.”

A Collection of Love Songs

(c) istockphoto, MCCAIG 2006

I blogged yesterday at the Loose Id author blog about some of my favorite love songs. Songs that also remind me of Kyle and Evan from TAKE ME HOME.

Check them out and share some of your favorite love songs.
From Friends to Lovers: A Collection of Love Songs