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My hon and I just finished re-watching Leverage. If you’ve never seen the show, it’s a pretty good one. Not always 100% plausible, but I love the character dynamics, and it has one of my favorite series endings. I can just imagine the three of them (Parker, Hardison, and Eliot) out there working and living together. Of course, in my mind they are all in a relationship. The three of them had such fantastic chemistry. I loved when things got emotional between Hardison and Eliot.
Here’s a great moment with Nate. It’s from an episode where they’re trying to stop a man who is attempting to steal a heart from a 15 year old kid who’s next in line on the transplant list. The kid can’t wait for another heart. He’ll die if he doesn’t get this one.
Gotta love a man who stands up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.
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