Video I Love: Wonderful people doing beautiful things

Two vids today. And don’t worry, despite how each begins, they have happy endings.

Admittedly I don’t know anything about the Hope for Paws organization, but it looks like they do great work. If anyone knows more about them, please leave a comment to share with others who might want to get involved, donate, or help in some other way. Thanks!

If you can’t view the embedded videos above, you can watch them here and here.

Video I Love: A Beautiful Tribute

This is one of the most touching tribute videos I’ve ever seen. What a beautiful relationship. There’s nothing quite like the love of a pet when you’re going through a dark moment in your life.

You can also see photos of Ben and Denali here.

If you can’t see the embedded video above, you can read the full article and watch the video at The Huffington Post.

A Must See Video: My Person

Another excellent video from The Devotion Project, a six part series of short documentaries celebrating LGBTQ couples and families.

If you can’t see the embedded video above, you can watch it on YouTube.

Video I Love: Calling Nanna

What a sweet grandma…


If you can’t see the embedded video above, you can watch it on YouTube.

Video I Love: Fantastic Anti-bullying Performance

Bars & Melody is a duo of two young boys who sang for Britain’s Got Talent and blew the judges and the audience away with their song about bullying.

Since this video, they’ve signed a record deal and have a tour planned for this year.

If you haven’t seen their performance yet, definitely check it out. A wonderful message.

If you can’t see the embedded video above, you can also watch it on YouTube.