Quote I Love: Say Yes To Gay YA

Two published authors who co-wrote a post-apocalyptic young adult novel were offered agent representation on one condition: that they make a gay character straight or remove him completely from the story. When they shared about the experience, they said…

When you refuse to allow major characters in YA novels to be gay, you are telling gay teenagers that they are so utterly horrible that people like them can’t even be allowed to exist in fiction.

LGBTQ teenagers already get told this. They are four times more likely than straight teenagers to attempt suicide. We’re not saying that the absence of LGBTQ teens in YA sf and fantasy novels is the reason for that. But it’s part of the overall social prejudice that does cause that killing despair.

We wrote this novel so that the teenagers we know—some of whom are gay, and many of whom are not white—would be able, for once, to read a fun post-apocalyptic adventure in which they are the heroes. And we were told that such a thing could not be allowed.

After we thanked the agent for their time, declined the offer, and hung up, Sherwood broke the silence. “Do you think the agent missed that Becky and Brisa [supporting characters] are a couple, too? Do they ever actually kiss on-page? No? I’M ADDING A LESBIAN KISS NOW!”

– Rachel Manija Brown and Sherwood Smith, From Authors Say Agents Try to “Straighten” Gay Characters in YA

Quote I Love: Pursuing Dreams

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”

– Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Links: Breathe at B&N, Motivation & Facebook

I’ve had my head down finishing up TAKE ME HOME and only have a minute to post today (and it’s almost time to hit the sheets for some serious sleep), so I thought I’d quickly share a few links.

  • For those of you who were asking, BREATHE is now available at Barnes & Noble.
  • I blogged last week on one of my group blogs about motivation: Giving Lackluster Motivation a Kick in the Pants. Your reader comments about my writing and stories really do help!
  • I now have a Facebook Author Fan page. You can “Like” the page to follow my writing news on Facebook. Or you can friend me via my regular profile. Or do both. I’m probably on FB more than any other social site (when I have time to be online at all, that is).

Okay, I’m off to bed.

Can’t wait for everyone to get a look at TMH. Is it December yet?

Quote I Love: Character

(c) istockphoto.com, Vernon Wiley 2011

“Character consists of what you do on the third or fourth tries.” – James Michener

Editor Friend & Prof Guy

Check out the new book I just got: The Baby Name Wizard: A Magical Method for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Baby

No, I’m not having a baby. I just get wickedly excited when I find a writing resource that’s a gem (at least for me).

Lately when it comes time to give my secondary characters their names, I’ve been drawing a blank, selecting the same ones over and over or not finding something that fits the character. For my current works in progress I had two secondary characters whom I affectionately called “Editor Friend” and “Prof Guy” for far too long. For a while I was afraid I’d get so dang used to “Editor Friend” and “Prof Guy” that I’d send it off to my editor like that. It was nice to finally pull out my baby name resources and search for actual names for these guys.

Lists that are organized or searchable in specific ways (by first letter, sounds like, meaning, popularity per year, etc.) are the most helpful. So far The Baby Name Wizard is the best naming book I’ve used, along with these websites:


Baby Names Finder

Baby Names World

Popular Baby Names

And for last names I almost always end up using a printed phone book.

For any writers who are interested, these links have also been added to my website on the Resources for Writers page.

I’m off to work on revisions for my next installment of More Than Just a Good Book. Hope you all have a great week!