Questions and Confidence

(c), pearleye 2010

I question my work sometimes, as I’m sure most writers do. I’m learning and growing with every project, both as a writer and a reader (in terms of what I enjoy reading and what I look for in a love story). This fosters questions as I move ahead in my writing career.

I recently read this article about voice (Voice – answering Jane’s Question), and it resonated with me. I think a part of me was holding back when writing lately. What is my voice? Can I repeat it? Do I want to? Do I want to change some aspect of the way I write? I’d like to grow and evolve as a writer, but in what ways?

As I’ve mentioned before, the good reviews can mess with your head as much as the not-so-good reviews. There have been some stellar reviews for BREATHE. In some respects those have been great for my confidence level, but I’m not sure I always want to–nor should I–attempt to write something as heavy as the theme/topic of BREATHE. Can anything else measure up? For me? For readers? Will something lighter and sexier appeal to readers who enjoyed BREATHE? Can BREATHE appeal to those who loved MORE? Should I be writing in third person or first? Where is my strength as a writer and how do I repeat that in subsequent stories?

Those types of questions weren’t a big distraction because I do believe in writing for myself first or I lose the passion for storytelling. But as I said, I think I was holding back when it came to my voice.

Kate Walker’s article helped me to relax and get back to the core of what I’m writing, why I’m writing it, and how I like to convey a story, the importance I try to place on the deep point of view of each main character. I was able to let my own passion and emotion flow through the words.

So far this week, I’m feeling really good about the revising I’m doing on HOME AGAIN. I’m still working on the first three chapters, but I’m writing with the love of this story and these characters, and that always feels good. I’m finding that place where I can’t wait to share these men and their love story with others.

Now, back to the manuscript…

Happy reading, everyone!

Why M/M, WIPlash & Other Links

Sharing a collection of links today. Some interesting, some fun, and some more meaningful.

“Why” M/M? And Who Needs To Know?
An interesting post by Jordan Castillo Price.
I will admit, I do get asked the why question and find it so very difficult to put into a few words.

And another about woman writing m/m

The Power of Slash (includes a not-safe-for-work pic)
From Nigel Puerasch, a bi man writing m2m fiction

For the writers out there…

Kimberly Hunter talks about a common problem among writers:
WIPlash ~ Diagnosis & Treatment

And for fun, who would you believe…

A Great Lover
This picture illustrates the difference between marketing, public relations, advertising and branding. For books, a recommendation from a friend with similar tastes holds a lot of weight with me, but not sure if I want to hear from my friends about a potential lover.

Who can resist cute cats getting married…

Image Source

The Gay Cat Marriage in Manhattan and
A Special Bond Recognized

And on a serious note…

Read about the brave and courageous author Patric Michael and the anthology in his honor at For Patric…Wishing on a Blue Star

And this will bring a tear to your eye…

Image Source: The New York Times Company

Against All Odds, a Beautiful Life
“…a little boy dealt a seemingly impossible hand, the two gay men who decided to give him a home and a life, [and] the unlikely spell cast by the only horse in Montclair.”

Oh, and I’ve joined a group blog for my writer’s group. Today I’m blogging about my reading goals this year…


(c) istockphoto, klosfoto, 2010

Sloan’s 2011 Reading Challenge
Do you like to set reading goals? Do you have a goal for this year? Or do you find a goal takes the fun out of reading? I’d love to hear what you think.

RRW is Looking For Quotes About Writing

For all my writer friends out there…

Share Your Wisdom, Inspiration & Experience With Other Writers

Rainbow Romance Writers (RRW), a chapter of Romance Writers of America, is looking for volunteers to submit brief quotes about writing to be featured in our newsletter, the Pot of Gold.

The newsletter is published quarterly for members of RRW, writers of LGBT romances at various stages of their writing careers (new writers working on their first story to multi-published authors, as well as a few publishers and editors).

If anyone is interested in submitting an original quote, we’d love for you to share your wisdom, experience, inspiration, humor, etc. about writing. Quotes will be selected based on their relevance to the current newsletter’s theme (New Year/New Beginnings). Topics could include motivation, setting goals, starting a new project, trying something new, or others. General quotes about writing and why you write are also welcome. Quotes submitted before January 17, 2011 will be considered for the upcoming edition and some may be saved for future editions.

Please use this form to submit a quote:
Feel free to pass along the link to anyone who may be interested.

Thank you,
Sloan Parker
RRW Newsletter Editor

Quote I Love: Always Writing

I think my SO can relate to this one. Even when I’m not writing, I’m writing.

“I never quite know when I’m not writing. Sometimes my wife comes up to me at a party and says, ‘Dammit, Thurber, stop writing.’ She usually catches me in the middle of a paragraph.”

James Thurber

Quote I Love: Books, Readers & Writers

Decided to share a few today…

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”

-Charles W. Eliot

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.”

-Nathaniel Hawthorne

“A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.”

-Samuel Johnson