My short stories now available at Amazon & other stores

In preparation for self-publishing my serial story later this year, I’ve set up accounts with Amazon and a few other retailers and distributors, and I went through the process of uploading my short stories. Now you can get a copy of these two stories at the following online retailers. (More locations to come as the books work their way through the distribution channels.)



A Lesson in Truth is still available via my website and is now at Smashwords too.
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THE BREAK IN available for download at All Romance eBooks

One of my goals for this year is to get the free short stories that are available on my website added to a few bookstores. I’m pleased to share that all three of my shorts are now available at All Romance eBooks.

THE BREAK IN was added this weekend in MOBI, EPUB, and PDF formats. SWEPT AWAY and A LESSON IN TRUTH are also listed at ARe under their Free Reads category.

THE BREAK IN Story Description
Billy’s been breaking into his ex-lover’s apartment every Friday night for a little solo sex in the bed they used to share. One night he almost gets caught before he has a chance to finish his usual routine and climb back out the window. Now he has only seconds to decide if he should hide and end up watching his ex have sex or run from the most erotic encounter of his life — and maybe a chance at love again.

You can pick up a copy at:

Or read it for free on my site.

Free Fiction: A Lesson in Truth by Sloan Parker

Hi all. This week was a productive one. I worked on notes & characters for two new stories, I’m now 16,000 words into Walter’s book (a secondary character from More), and I posted a free short story on my site today. If you want to check it out here’s the link and blurb for the short, A Lesson in Truth.

David’s a graduate student about to finish his thesis. Michael’s his advisor and former instructor. The two shouldn’t have feelings for each other, but after two years of friendship and longing, David can no longer deny what he’s feeling. Is Michael ready to accept being more than a teacher to a man fifteen years younger? And if they give into their desires, is it only a way for them to say goodbye?

A Lesson in Truth
Contemporary Erotic Short Story
10 pages, Word Count: 3,900

I hope you enjoy it.