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Please note: This is an unedited description and teaser. There’s always a chance something will get cut in the final publisher edits.
Genre: Contemporary M/M
Release Date: tentatively Spring 2014
Summary: I SWEAR TO YOU is a friends-to-lovers story about two “straight” college roommates who spend a weekend away together during their senior year exploring how far beyond friendship their feelings have grown. After that weekend, they go their separate ways, but eventually neither one can let go of the idea that maybe they really are gay and are meant to be together. It just takes one a little longer than the other to figure that out. But is he too late?
Mateo said nothing more for a while, just stared off into the dark, impenetrable water once again. When his second beer was almost gone, he said, “You know that thing we’ve been doing after your history class?”
With that one question, he was violating their unspoken agreement not to talk about it—about what they did every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when Grady got back to their dorm room.
So far those afternoons had been the best sexual experience of Grady’s life, and all he did was spend those few minutes touching only himself.