From My Writing Playlist: Everything

(c) Sloan Parker, 2013

This song’s on my general writing playlist, but it’s also on my playlist for Sean and Gavin’s story, SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN. I think this time of year will always get me thinking of their story and everyone out there in the world who is without a home. This holiday season, please think about offering up whatever you can to help those in need. If we all give a little–whether it’s time or money–we could make a huge impact.


The Song: Everything by Lifehouse

Quote I Love: First Time

I love reading about first times. Stories of first love, new love, or old friends taking a chance on more. The last four lines of this quote remind me of Kyle from Take Me Home, my current work-in-progress. He’s at the point in his life where he has to make a decision: accept what he’s feeling and move forward, or lose the person who means everything to him. I’m enjoying taking these men on a journey of firsts as they explore a new, but long-desired aspect of their relationship.

“We’re both looking for something
That we’ve been afraid to find
It’s easier to be broken
It’s easier to hide
Looking at you, holding my breath,
For once in my life, I’m scared to death
I’m taking a chance, letting you inside.”

Lyrics from First Time by Lifehouse