MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK now available in paperback


I’m thrilled to share that the print edition of Scott and Mark’s story is now available! You can pick up a copy at the following retailers. (It’ll be showing up at Barnes & Noble and others in the next few weeks.)

Available Now at:


Thanks to everyone who’s already checked out the e-book edition. It recently reached the #6 spot on the All Romance eBooks bestseller list. The number of things I am thankful for this year is too numerous to even consider listing, but please know, my readers rank very near the top. You are the best! THANK YOU for continuing to give my stories a try, and I truly hope you’re enjoying this one.


Shy, nervous Scott is a big book geek, and fellow student Mark is a bit controlling between the sheets. During one afternoon at the university library, they find they are the perfect match. Now they have to find out if they can keep on proving that some things are even more enjoyable than a good book.

As the two begin exploring their most secret sexual fantasies, neither can imagine walking away. With only one semester left before they head off in different directions, they discover it’s impossible to avoid their growing feelings for each other. When a desperate bully tries to destroy Mark’s chance at the career he’s always wanted and tries to keep him away from Scott, the two lovers must come to terms with exactly what it means to be in love with someone–and how to be brave enough to go after what it is they truly want.

This is the expanded, full-length novel. The original short story is chapter one of this novel. This work contains graphic language and explicit sexual content between two men, including some light BDSM (spanking and bondage). Intended for adult audiences only.

HOW TO SAVE A LIFE now available in trade paperback

SP_HowToSaveALifePrint_tradecover_MdI’m pleased to share that you can now pick up a print copy of HOW TO SAVE A LIFE at AmazonCreateSpace, and Barnes & Noble.

ISBN-13: 978-1492268963
ISBN-10: 1492268968




Reporter Kevin Price has a knack for tripping over his own feet. And everyone else’s. He’s in over his head undercover at the Haven, a swanky gay sex club, determined to find out why members of the club keep vanishing. Five minutes inside and he can no longer deny the truth about his sexuality. He turns to the one man he can’t get out of his head, the sexy ex-cop handling security. Too bad Kevin doesn’t trust cops. Not since the only night he let himself be with another man.

Walter Simon doesn’t do the club scene anymore. Not since he found love and lost it. That doesn’t mean he’ll let anyone hurt more innocent gay men. Even if that means going head-to-head with the klutzy, closeted, much-younger reporter. Kevin has information about the disappearances. Better to keep him close. And safe.

Neither is at the club to hook up or fall in love. Now they must work together amid their growing passion in order to uncover the truth before more men disappear.

Note: How to Save a Life features Walter Simon, a secondary character from MORE, but can be read as a stand-alone story.



Kevin did not want to talk about this. Yet a part of him longed to do just that.

Here, in this room, with a gay man listening to him, he couldn’t pretend any longer. He wanted to kiss Walter again, let his tongue wander over those lips, down along the skin of his neck to the warm flesh under his clothes, his chest, and lower to his abs, and even lower. He wanted to taste it all. He couldn’t hide from that fact. Not any longer.

He’d known for months now that he’d been heading to this moment. Whether he’d wanted to admit it or not.

It had been easy to keep the promise he’d made in his youth. At least while he’d been with Sondra. He wasn’t a cheater. Now that she was gone, now that he was here, now that he’d felt this man’s touch…he was done holding back.

Walter cupped his chin and forced him to look up.

“I guess I can’t hide from it forever.”

“That’s good. You don’t have to hide. Not here. Not in this room. Not with me.”


MORE Now Available in Print and a Deleted Scene

I’m thrilled to share that MORE is now available for the first time in print. It’s the same story as the e-book version with a few minor wording corrections/tweaks. The trade paper is available at Amazon, Amazon UK and CreateSpace. It may take several weeks for it to appear in any other bookstores.

To celebrate the release, I’ve updated my website with a deleted scene that never made it into the final manuscript. This is the original scene for what happened when Luke came home early after meeting with his dad for the first time, then Richard arrived, having left his office early. Some of it may sound familiar as a few descriptions and Luke’s internal realizations were eventually merged into the next scene or moved elsewhere. I think this part of the story turned out much better without this sex scene, but I was still sad to hit the delete key. I’m glad I can share it with everyone now.

I hope you enjoy visiting with Luke, Matthew, and Richard.