Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I love …
This video is good stuff. It’s the kind of thing that reinforces that there’s still kindness and love in the world. I must admit I was crying like a baby when I watched it the first time. They gave up the shutout so he could score a touchdown. How cool is that? I’d like to believe the kids on the other team were in on the decision. It’s not always about getting the most points, but rather being the best you can. And in this case, their best was to let this kid have his moment. Anyway, I loved this video.
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Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.
Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I love …
If you haven’t seen this one yet, you have to watch it. It’s a four-year-old boy’s priceless reenactment of the pivotal speech from Coach Herb Brooks (played by Kurt Russell) in the movie “Miracle” — which is one of my three favorite sports movies of all time, alongside “Rudy” and “We Are Marshall.”
I like movies that inspire people to achieve their dreams. Because dreams do come true. And if you believe anything else, you probably won’t ever see your own dreams happen any time soon. I believe in positive thinking and working hard for what you want most. Writing isn’t easy. A long-term relationship isn’t easy. Hell, love isn’t easy. But, for me, they are worth it. I wrote my first book and entered it into a local writing contest when I was in the second grade. It didn’t win, but it started something for me — it began a dream of writing fiction. And now … my first book is getting published in February.
If I or anyone else doubts my writing abilities, I’ll just say it like the kid … “screw ’em” and keep on writing. :)
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Be sure to check out this link to watch Russell’s original scene and learn more about how this boy and his father created the video. So tell me, what is your greatest dream? Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.
Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I love …
I love this ad. It’s one of the better marriage rights ads around. I just hope it makes a difference.
I’d to like to send my best wishes to all the gay and lesbian couples in Ireland as they fight for marriage equality. View more on the MarriagEquality’s campaign for same-sex marriage in Ireland at http://www.marriagequality.ie/
What do you think? Isn’t it lovely? Comment or send me an email.
Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I love …
It’s a sketch of a monk who tries to read a book (as opposed to a scroll) when books were first introduced.
Note: This video has English subtitles.
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I love this video for several reasons:
I love books.
I needed a laugh when I first saw this. And this one had me busting up.
I worked in an IT department for 10 years. I answered quite a lot of help desk calls and usually ended up having to go out to the person’s desk. The mannerisms in this video are spot on! And the bit at the end when the book is flipped the wrong way was perfect. (A tangent: My favorite story from work was when a woman who usually called me once a week left me a voice mail. We had the same first name and when she left her message, she said, “Hi. This is …” only she gave my full name instead of hers. It seems she was that frustrated by her computer, she had lost all knowledge, including her own name. She never did catch her mistake, so at least she didn’t have to feel bad about that).
This video does make me wonder what it will be like when my parents try to read an ebook for the first time (although they are pretty tech savvy as compared to some, so I guess we’ll see. My brother will probably be worse. He still needs his kids to boot up the PC when he wants to play solitaire).
Was it good for you too? Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.
I saw this clip from the movie Shelter recently and thought it was a nice love scene. I have yet to see the movie, but it seems like something I’m going to like. And there have been quite a few good reviews and awards.
So anyone seen Shelter? Did you like it? Love it? Comment or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.