Just joined the new ARe Cafe

Have you seen the new ARe cafe at All Romance eBooks? I’m still learning my way around, but it looks pretty neat. You can post a status, connect with friends, join groups with other readers, check out recommended reads, see what’s being reviewed, and integrate it with your Twitter and Facebook. There’s even an m/m group called Mmmm… M/M Romance. Here’s the groups description:

“Here is the place for lovers of m/m romance, from sweet to spicy, to discuss what’s hot now. Talk about your favorite manlove authors and recommend titles for readers new to M/M goodness!”

If anyone is a member of the cafe, I’d love to connect with you. Here’s a link to my profile. Feel free to send me a friend request.

It looks like a neat place for readers to hang out. Hope to see you there!


It’s Read an E-Book Week!

Read an E-Book Week is March 6-12, 2011.

Stop by the Read an E-Book Week website to learn about the history of ebooks, the advantages of ebooks, to enter to win an eReader, and more.

If you’re interested, here are some ideas to help share your love of ebooks (some are mine, some are from the Read an E-book website):

  1. Tweet links to the ebooks you read during Read an E-Book Week using the hashtag #ebookweek.
  2. Show your eReader and all its functionality to a friend or family member who doesn’t yet read ebooks.
  3. Set up an ebook challenge on your blog.
  4. Read only ebooks for the week.
  5. Blog, tweet, or Facebook about why you love your eReader and ebooks.

I hope you enjoy the week reading a great ebook.

Chance to win gift cards & books at The Romance Reviews

The Romance Reviews is having their grand opening this month. I’m participating in the celebration along with over 100 other authors. Readers can answer questions all month long for a chance to win weekly prizes including gift cards and over 150 books. The grand prize is a $100 gift card. My questions will appear on their site on March 9 and 17. I’m giving away a copy of MORE and BREATHE.

Here are the details:

You’re invited!

From March 1 – 31, 2011

at www.theromancereviews.com

It’s The Romance Reviews’ Grand Opening!

Play the games. Explore new books.

Chat with authors. Vote for Best Books of 2010.

Rack up your points!


Visit everyday to increase your chances to win awesome prizes!

134 participating authors!

Over 200 prizes waiting for you!

Weekly Prizes

$10 Gift Cards – 32 winners!

(8 winners each week)

Over 150 Book Giveaways in total

(paperback, hardback, ebook)

Major Prizes

Grand Prize: $100 Gift Card

2nd Prize: $70 Gift Card

3rd Prize: $50 Gift Card

Good luck!

Questions, questions, questions

The lovely Winona Wilder interviewed me on her blog today. I shared my thoughts about the popularity and availability of m/m, those pesky pronouns in an all-male romance, and more.

Also, I’m updating my website with a FAQs section. Stuff like…when is the next book due out, what titles do you have out and where, when will your books be out in print, how did you get started writing, etc. I’d love to hear any suggestions for other questions to add. Anything you want to know about me? Anything you want to know from authors in general?

Feel free to comment here or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks. Hope you have a happy hump day!

BREATHE available at Amazon, ARe & Fictionwise

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I’m back online and very happy about it. Our cable modem died yesterday, so I wasn’t off-line for long, but it was still an annoyance. It’s amazing to me how much I use the damn internet in one day. From the dictionary to email to random questions where I want an immediate answer. I think maybe I’ll take a week off-line someday and see how long I can actually make it.

In more interesting news, I’ve got a few links to share.

Breathe is now available at…
All Romance eBooks
Amazon (US)
Amazon (UK)

In related news…
Book Lovers Inc is celebrating its Blogoversary and they are having a giveaway, including a free copy of BREATHE. Happy Blogoversary, Book Lovers Inc!

And in other news…
This is cool: MORE has been nominated in the Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll. All nominations are selected by readers. Voting is open until January 26.

Thank you all for your continued interest and support. Have a fab weekend!