Quote I Love: The more you write, the better you get.

Michelle Obama “on what she and Obama tell their daughters to help them achieve their goals.” (Yahoo News)

“Read, write, read, read. If the president were here–one of his greatest strengths is reading. That’s one of the reasons why he’s a good communicator, why he’s such a good writer. He’s a voracious reader. So we’re trying to get our girls, no matter what, to just be–to love reading and to challenge themselves with what they read, and not just read the gossip books but to push themselves beyond and do things that maybe they wouldn’t do.

“So I would encourage you all to read, read, read. Just keep reading. And writing is another skill. It’s practice. It’s practice. The more you write, the better you get. Drafts–our kids are learning the first draft means nothing. You’re going to do seven, 10 drafts. That’s writing, it’s not failure, it’s not the teacher not liking you because it’s all marked up in red. When you get to be a good writer, you mark your own stuff in red, and you rewrite, and you rewrite, and you rewrite. That’s what writing is.”

Michelle Obama
Q&A at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School

Yes! As is often stated…writing is rewriting.

“The first draft means nothing.” I’m not sure it means nothing, but in my case it’s only a start, and a rough start at that. It’s the bare bones of what a story will become. So much happens from that first draft to the last. That’s when the characters come to life, when the plot issues are ironed out, when the emotions become more relevant and intense, and when the descriptions are made more meaningful.

I just finished making a character motivation change to TAKE ME HOME that required I rewrite several scenes and revise some internal monologue throughout the story. I cannot tell you how happy I am with the outcome. I love these characters and their journey together even more.

Revising is where such magically things happen to the manuscript that even the writer is surprised.

Quote I Love: First Time

I love reading about first times. Stories of first love, new love, or old friends taking a chance on more. The last four lines of this quote remind me of Kyle from Take Me Home, my current work-in-progress. He’s at the point in his life where he has to make a decision: accept what he’s feeling and move forward, or lose the person who means everything to him. I’m enjoying taking these men on a journey of firsts as they explore a new, but long-desired aspect of their relationship.

“We’re both looking for something
That we’ve been afraid to find
It’s easier to be broken
It’s easier to hide
Looking at you, holding my breath,
For once in my life, I’m scared to death
I’m taking a chance, letting you inside.”

Lyrics from First Time by Lifehouse

Quote I Love: Naked in front of this crowd

Was listening to music this morning and heard Breathe by Anna Nalick (which of course always reminds me of my Breathe). As a writer, I can relate to this part…

“2am and I’m still awake writing this song. If I get it all down on paper, it’s no longer inside me threatening the life it belongs to. And I feel like I’m naked in front of this crowd, cause these words are my diary screaming out loud. And I know that you’ll use them however you want to.”

– Breathe (2 AM) by Anna Nalick

Quote I Love: Behind the Lines

Spent much of today revising two chapters for my current work-in-progress. I’m not quite as far as I’d hoped this week (not for lack of time spent on it), and it’s easy to get impatient with my progress. Then I realized how much I’m loving the dialogue and descriptions I’m adding, how much I’m loving these men and their story. It’s worth it. So today’s quote is for all the writers out there (or athletes or anyone who puts their time and heart into a passion where you must face the day-to-day challenges alone). No one sees all the work, the joys, the struggles. It’s just you, the empty page, and the words you find to tell your story.

Thanks to my pal Shay for sharing this quote with me.

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses-
Behind the lines,
In the gym and out there on the road
Long before I ever dance under those lights.”

– Muhammad Ali

Quotes I Love: On Kissing

A couple’s first kiss is always a special moment in any romance. So far I have not tired of writing that scene, no matter the characters.

“I always say that there is no greater act of courage than to be the one who kisses first.”

-from Mad About You


“The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss.”



“Passion is to kiss or to hug and to prove that action speaks louder than words.”



“Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.”

-Chinese Proverb


“There is the kiss of welcome and of parting, the long, lingering, loving, present one; the stolen, or the mutual one; the kiss of love, of joy, and of sorrow; the seal of promise and receipt of fulfillment.”

-Thomas C. Haliburton