I’m holding a sale this week at Smashwords! All of my titles are 50% off until Saturday, January 27th. Each book has a coupon code that should be automatically applied when you add the ebook to your shopping cart. Happy reading!
If you haven’t heard…
I’m sad to say that my former publisher Loose Id is closing its doors on May 7, 2018. Loose Id gave my first book MORE a chance, and I will always be grateful for the opportunity they offered me to share my stories with readers. I learned a lot working with LI and their editors, and I’m very sorry to see another indie publisher go out of business. I wish every author with Loose Id the best as they work to find a new home for their books.
As a customer, if you’ve recently purchased books through Loose Id, be sure to download those titles as soon as you can and also check if you have any rewards or points to spend. Here’s the latest from Loose Id regarding customer transactions:
- May 7, 2018: Last day to make purchases on loose-id.com and with resellers of Loose Id books. Gift certificates expire. Idcents expire. Any contest prizes must be claimed.
- May 9, 2018: All purchases and customer libraries must be downloaded by this date.
A New Year, A New Journey
This past year certainly had its ups and downs. Some days it was nearly impossible for me to even glance at the latest world news or venture onto Facebook or Twitter and see the turmoil that so many people have been living through. More than once, I was saved by turning to the world of fiction–both reading and writing it. Going along for the ride with a story’s characters is one of life’s greatest treasures for me, and that was certainly never more true than in 2017.
But this past year was also an amazing journey for me–both personally and professionally. I’ve learned so much and grown in ways I was not expecting. I’ve simplified my life, regained confidence, and found a more productive way of living and working. I couldn’t be more excited to see where this new year takes me. There has been a lot of turmoil and change in the writing and publishing world, but thanks to the support of all of you, I’m more excited than ever to share new stories in 2018.
THANK YOU to all of you who’ve read my books this past year. I’m beyond grateful to those of you who took the time to send me a private note or write a review. It means the world to me to hear from you.
I hope you all have a wonderful new year filled with much love and laughter and peace-filled days.
Monthly Reader Giveaway: Enter to Win a $15 E-Gift Card or Two Free E-books
For this month’s giveaway, I’m offering one random winner their choice of the following prizes:
1) $15 eGift Card to Amazon.com.
2) $15 eGift Card to Barnes & Noble.
3) Two e-books from my backlist.
The winner will be contacted privately to select which gift they’d like to receive.
- To enter the drawing for this month’s Reader Giveaway, fill out this simple form.
- The giveaway runs until the end of the day tomorrow. All entries must be received by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on December 20, 2017. One random winner will be selected and then contacted directly about their prize. Chance of winning depends on the total number of entries. No purchase necessary. Please note: currently we are purchasing Amazon gift cards that are for use only on Amazon.com.
Thanks for entering and good luck! Be sure to check back next month for another reader giveaway. If you’d like, you can sign up to receive my blog posts via email. I typically post about twice a week. Mostly fun, inspiring videos, pictures, and quotes. I also offer a reader giveaway in each of my newsletters. You can also sign up for my free newsletter using this form or the one below.
Out Now: Something to Believe In Gets a New Cover/Price and Other News
I’ve got several exciting items to share today:
1) My novella SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN has been re-released with a fantastic new cover from Lou Harper—and a new lower price!
When some extra cash lands best friends Sean and Gavin alone in a hotel room until Christmas, they can no longer deny their feelings for each other. Even with no place to live and no job prospects, Sean is determined to not just show Gavin what a real home and holiday is like, but to keep them off the streets for good and build a future together.
You can pick up a copy at Amazon, Google Play, Smashwords, and Playster. Coming soon to B&N, iBooks, and Kobo.
2) Just a reminder, I also have two freebies on my site that continue with Sean and Gavin’s story from SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN.
3) New Reader Giveaway: I’m a guest at Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews. Stop by to check out an exclusive excerpt from HOW TO HEAL A LIFE and to enter the giveaway for a chance to win two backlist e-books and a $15 Amazon.com gift card!
4) My collection of stories FOR LOVE AND FOREVER is currently a free read at iBooks, B&N, Google Play, and Smashwords. (Amazon doesn’t allow authors to change the price to free, but hoepfully they’ll price match it shortly.)