Quotes I Love: Yes. This. A thousand times this.


Today’s quotes came from this article: Positive LGBTQ representation in media really can change lives. This touching story proves it.

“…when a person has no one around her accepting who she is, it’s even more important that she can turn on the television and see that, at the very least, someone out there in the world will accept and love her no matter what.” -German Lopez

“I wouldn’t come out for a few years. But when I did, I can genuinely thank a show like Will and Grace for making it easier. It became less about waiting until my parents were ready and more about waiting until I was ready.” -German Lopez

Yes! This!

Books and TV have always been a big part of my life. I was a latchkey kid from the time I was pretty young. TV was my after-school and Friday night companion, and the shows that I chose to watch helped shape my values and worldview.

So it’s kind of neat to realize that, as I grew older, shows like Ellen, Will and Grace, Queer as Folk, and The L Word–as well as so many queer books that I couldn’t even begin to name them all–significantly changed my life. They allowed me to feel more comfortable with showing the people around me who I really was, and I will forever be grateful for that.

Quote I Love: Hope

(c) mensatic, morgueFile

(c) mensatic, morgueFile

“For every story of a person writing faggot on the door of a gay couple, there is one of a father smiling while watching his gay-teen-son openly embrace a boy he cares for. For every horrible coming out story, there is the story of a family that meets their loved-ones with support and acceptance.

We certainly shouldn’t undermine the struggles that our community faces. We shouldn’t only show the good and ignore the bad. We shouldn’t stop fighting for equity just because we’ve received it for some. But I have to say, those bad days when it seems like the odds are stacked against us, I now can think back on the scene I witnessed at Starbucks-a scene of love and acceptance from an unexpected source-and have a reason to smile.”

–Benjamin O’Keefe in his article “A Dad Dropped His Son Off on a Date and It Restored My Faith in Humanity” (Be sure to read the full story. It’s charming.)