Quote I Love: Numb by Linkin Park

Here’s this week’s quote I love…

Sometimes when I’m writing I listen to music. Occasionally a song will remind me of a character I’m writing about. Then whenever I hear that song, I’m right back into the story, into the character’s head. I find myself listening to it over and over.

I’ve found several songs that really hit home when it came to my book More.

“Numb” by Linkin Park fits Luke in so many ways. Since More is releasing next week, I thought it was the perfect time to post some of the song’s lyrics for my quote of the week. There’s also a video below if you want to listen.

“I’m tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless
Lost under the surface
I don’t know what you’re expecting of me
Put under the pressure
Of walking in your shoes

Every step that I take is another mistake to you

All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Can’t you see that you’re smothering me
Holding too tightly
Afraid to lose control
‘Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you

-Numb by Linkin Park

Hope you have a great day! Cheers,
Sloan Parker

Excerpt Added for More

Just wanted to let you all know that I’ve added an excerpt and sample chapters of More (an m/m/m erotic romance) to my website. More is coming to Loose Id later this month. I hope you like it!

MORE by Sloan Parker
Genre: Gay Contemporary Erotic Romance (M/M/M)
Publisher: Loose Id
Cover Artist: April Martinez
Release Date: March 23, 2010
Purchase at Loose Id

Read an Excerpt of More

More has a cover!

Thanks to the talented April Martinez, More has a cover, and it’s gorgeous. Thanks, April and Loose Id!

Cover artist: April Martinez
Coming March 23, 2010 to Loose Id: http://www.loose-id.com/More.aspx

I’ll be adding an excerpt to my website this weekend.

Video I Love: A Kiss

Once a week, I post a video I’ve seen recently that I’m loving. So here’s this week’s Video I Love …

This weekend I finished making changes from the line edits for my debut novel, More. I’m excited and the story is on my mind a lot again, so I thought I would share a video today that reminds me of the more intimate moments in More. The guy with the wandering mouth reminds me of Matthew. He doesn’t really look exactly how I picture Matthew, but something about the way he kisses reminds me of him.

This is a beautiful, erotic kiss. I will warn you it’s steamy, but it is only an intense kiss (okay, a bit more) and the clothes stay on (well, on but pushed up a bit). Anyway, it’s one great video from YouTube. Take a look…

(embedded video)

You like?

Sloan Parker

What a year!

Sorry this post won’t be all that interesting or funny or important to anyone really but me, but it’s a day for saying thanks here in the US. It was important for me to say this.

With everything going on today — cooking, cleaning, setting up tables and chairs, and doing so many dishes for my mom that my hands will pretty much be in soapy water all day long — it’s easy to put off thinking about what it is we are truly thankful for. So before we head off to my folks, I wanted to take a minute to reflect on this past year and all the wonderful people and things in my life I am grateful for. It’s not a complete list, but it’s who and what have made this year one of the best of my life.

  1. My immediate family. For me that’s Rosie, my partner, and our three cats. They love me even when I’m an ass. Even when I’m crazy. Even when I get sucked into my world of fictional people and places and forget to get off my damn ass and live a little. Thanks, Rosie, for pulling me out of the chair once in a while. Thanks for always loving and supporting me. Thanks for giving me an unending supply of passion to put into my work. Thanks for making me laugh every single day. And thanks to the three little felines who are more entertaining than a little TV any day.
  2. The rest of my family. Especially my mom and dad who are proud of me for my first book contract. Even though they will never read a single word of it, they give their unending support every day, and I love them for that. And sorry, Dad, that I can’t seem to write a book where, as you say, “I leave the sex up to the reader’s imagination” so that you can feel comfortable reading it. Thanks to both of you for loving me, not in spite of who I am, but because of it.
  3. All my new friends in RWA. I was hesitant to join the national organization and local chapter, but you have all made it a wonderful experience for me.
  4. My publisher (Loose Id) and editor (Antonia). Thanks for taking a chance on an unknown. Thanks for believing in More. And thanks for helping me make it better.
  5. Luke, Richard, and Matthew and the muse that helped me find them. I’ve worked at my writing since I was in the second grade when I wrote my first book and entered a local competition. It hasn’t always been an easy path, but there’s something about me that makes me a storyteller. I’m grateful for that. It’s been one hell of a ride so far.

Happy day to everyone!
Sloan Parker