Video I Love: Dancing at the Movies

Thanks to Dorien Grey for sharing this via the Gay Writers/Readers Yahoo groups.

This one just makes me feel good.


Video I Love: GLBT History Month (& and important link)

October is GLBT History Month. “Beginning October 1, 2010, a new GLBT Icon is featured each day with a video, bio, bibliography, downloadable images and other resources” on

Here is this year’s overview video featuring all 31 icons. Take a look and help us celebrate.

And be sure to stop by this blog where, after the recent news of several tragic teen suicides, Katiebabs blogged about her experience to help kids see “it gets better.” She and others are donating up to $775 for 500 comments to The Trevor Project and the Matthew Shepard Foundation. Please stop by and leave a comment to help.


Video I Love: It Gets Better

After yet another teen suicide by a gay kid who was relentlessly bullied in high school, Dan Savage has started a new project: It Gets Better. He’s collecting YouTube videos of individuals talking about how it does get better after high school.

“If you’re gay or lesbian or bi or trans, and you’ve ever read about a kid like Billy Lucas and thought, “Fuck, I wish I could’ve told him that it gets better,” this is your chance. We can’t help Billy, but there are lots of other Billys out there—other despairing LGBT kids who are being bullied and harassed, kids who don’t think they have a future—and we can help them.”

Here’s the video from Dan and his partner.

Thanks to Bobbejean on Ethan Day’s yahoo group for sharing this link. You can check out the project on YouTube at:

Please check it out and tell any gay kid in your life that It Gets Better!!


Video I Love: Study like a scholar, scholar

A university group (the Harold B. Lee Library Multimedia Production Crew) created a parody of the Old Spice commercial (“the man your man could smell like” commercial). I guess they put it all together in nine hours. Amazing. If you haven’t seen the original Old Spice commercial it’s below the parody.

And the original:

I love that the parody is about a library and learning.

Have a great week!

Video I Love: The TV Theme Medley

This one is pretty dang cool. It’s one guy performing a medley of theme songs and openings from various TV shows.

Dang…I miss Firefly. That show rocked.

Hope you liked this week’s vid. Have a good one!