4 of My Books Named in M/M Romance Group’s 2013 Member Choice Awards


I was thrilled and touched to see that four of my books have been nominated at Goodreads in the M/M Romance Group’s 2013 Member Choice Awards. I also received a nomination for Favorite All Time Author! THANK YOU to those who threw my name and books into the hat. And to the contest coordinators for putting everything together and offering to send badges to the nominees.

Here’s the full list of nominations for me and my books:

If you’re interested in selecting your own favorites from 2013, voting is going on via this poll. You can see a full list of categories and nominations at Goodreads if you’re a member of the M/M Romance group.

You might even find a few new books to try.







Video I Love: Symphony For A Gay Kiss

Watch the video on YouTube. (You can see the list of movies there too.)

Quote I Love: The Book Needs You

Man Reading In Bed

(c) 4774344sean / www.fotosearch.com Stock Photography

“If books could have more, give more, be more, show more, they would still need readers who bring to them sound and smell and light and all the rest that can’t be in books. The book needs you.” –Gary Paulsen


From My Writing Playlist: Everything

(c) Sloan Parker, 2013

This song’s on my general writing playlist, but it’s also on my playlist for Sean and Gavin’s story, SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN. I think this time of year will always get me thinking of their story and everyone out there in the world who is without a home. This holiday season, please think about offering up whatever you can to help those in need. If we all give a little–whether it’s time or money–we could make a huge impact.


The Song: Everything by Lifehouse