Friday Photo: Should I Be Scared?

Sometimes when I’m really in the zone, writing and revising and writing and revising, I can work for hours, blocking everything else out. I forget to feed myself. And my cats. Well, it appears the cats may be forming an army to get their revenge.

(c) Sloan Parker 2013

(c) Sloan Parker 2013

(c) Sloan Parker 2013

They are multiplying!

By the way, I’m making great progress revising the next installment of MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK. After that it’ll be off to my beta readers for review. I’ll keep you posted on when it’s available on the website.

Release Date for HOW TO SAVE A LIFE

I’m thrilled to share that HOW TO SAVE A LIFE has a release date of January 15, 2013. (All release dates at my publisher are tentative until closer to the date, but I’ll let you know if anything changes.)

I’ll be working with my editor on the final edits soon and am really looking forward to reading the book again. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve had anything to do with Walter and Kevin. I’m going through withdrawal.

With all of my open projects, the rest of the year should be kind of crazy but in such a good way. Also coming up is the next installment of MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK and a short Christmas story.

You can read a description and unedited excerpt for HOW TO SAVE A LIFE at my website.

Friday Photo: My Parents Came to Pride!

Last month I attended a late summer pride event. It was such a fun day with fellow authors SJ Frost, Hank Edwards, Jax Steele, and Deanna Wadsworth (who organized everything for us). One of the best parts of the day: my parents stopped by. I was so proud of them. Not only did they come by our booth, but they also walked all around the event, looking at the various booths and collecting freebies along the way.

They love me and my partner, but they’re not PFLAG people. They don’t wear rainbow gear and march in parades (they’re quiet, introverts like me). I even had to explain to mom what Pride was. So I was elated they came. They even tried to win a free book at our booth, and my mom picked up one of my CDs. I heard her whisper to my dad as she held up the CD, “This is the only way I’ll get to read her books.” Which is funny because previously she had made it sound like she had no interest in reading the “sexy stuff.”

I’m fairly certain she doesn’t get how “sexy” we’re talking about here. Uh-oh.

I’m thinking she probably put the CD in, clicked on my short story MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK, got to the rimming scene, and promptly closed the laptop lid. But hey, THEY CAME TO PRIDE!!

And looky, I even have a picture to prove it.

(c) Sloan Parker 2012

Part 5 of More Than Just a Good Book & Another Giveaway

Part 5 of MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK is now available on my website. You can read part five here or download parts 1-5 of the serial story in one PDF. Hope you enjoy reading Mark and Scott’s continuing story. I probably won’t work on the next installment until I get the last of HOW TO SAVE A LIFE sent off to a couple people for feedback. I’ll keep you posted on the progress of both.

Want to be among the first to read the next installment of MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK? You can sign up for my newsletter here. I announce the link there first, along with a giveaway for free books in every issue and other exclusive content.

Also, I’m guest blogging at Jessica Freely’s blog today, talking about the importance of reading for me as a writer and giving away a PRINT copy of MORE. Stop by and leave a comment to enter. The giveaway ends on Monday, July 9th at 11:59 pm EST. The winner will be contacted via email.


Another Preview of more from More Than Just a Good Book

Good news! I have the next installment of More Than Just a Good Book written. It’s three scenes. Just need to do some tweaks and have a couple people go over it. In the meantime, here’s another sneak peek at what’s next for Mark and Scott. And if you didn’t get a chance to check it out during the scavenger hunt, you can view a longer preview at Mary Calmes’s blog.

From Part 5, coming soon…

“What do you mean it’s been cancelled?” Mark stared at his advisor across the cramped office space and tried to process what Dr. Wolfe had just said and what it could mean.

His dissertation defense had been postponed. Indefinitely.

Dr Wolfe didn’t say anything for half a minute or so, which felt a hell of a lot longer. The man was always direct, the kind of guy who looked you in the eye and told you the truth about your work, about your potential, whether you wanted to hear it or not. He’d said on many occasions that anything other than sheer honesty only held a person back.

The hesitation wasn’t a good sign.

Finally, he spoke again. “They need to investigate an allegation before the committee will agree to meet with you.”

Can’t wait to share the rest.