Lately I’ve gotten a huge influx of mail-order catalogs. The kind with bizarre items you can’t believe someone thought up, let alone had made into an actual product.
Rosie has this silly and adorable habit of paging through those catalogs and giggling as she finds gem after gem.
Like this…it’s called the Butt Putt.

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Can you believe that name? And to top that off, it farts when you sink the ball in the hole.
So, there’s my sweetie sitting on the couch, turning pages, laughing, and showing me item after item while I was trying to read my email. Good thing I find her laugh infectious and her 12-year-old-boy humor cute.
Then she stopped laughing and said, “Oh, that’s kinda cool.”
I was scared.
Seriously scared.
I didn’t want to end up with some sort of farting alarm clock.
Then she showed me this…

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And she was right, it was kinda cool. Of all the things I’ve looked at to hold my Kindle while I read in bed, I think this one looks like it might be both useful and comfy.
Anyone have anything like this? Or something similar you can recommend? I’m not sure I can bring myself to order from the catalog with the Butt Putt.
Ah, maybe I will.