If you don’t hear from me, I’m in the cave

Just wanted to let everyone know I’ll be taking a week or two off from blogging. I’m a little behind on some non-writing work, plus I really want to make significant progress on my current manuscript (my friends-to-lovers story) in the next few weeks. I’m about halfway through my first pass of revisions (filling in the plot holes and writing some missing pieces). I’ve also done another pass on chapters 1 through 10. It’s really starting to come together. I don’t want to lose this momentum, so I’m going to stay as focused as I can while catching up on a few other things. Which, unfortunately, means less time on-line.

I’m excited about this story. In fact, I’m feeling more confident about the overall plot than anything else I’ve written yet.

I’ve also made the decision to rename it (nothing selected yet, though). A recent m/m release has the title I had been considering, and I’d prefer to keep my title as unique as I can, at least within the same genre.

I’ll post a draft blurb and excerpt after I pick up blogging again. Should be in a week or two. Until then, I’ll be in the writing cave, falling in love with these guys all over again.

Have yourselves a lovely weekend!

Damn, I love this song!

Worked on editing a love scene in HOME AGAIN (my friends-to-lovers contemporary) yesterday. One of those scenes that are pivotal to the relationship and a character’s acceptance of his feelings. I have a playlist of songs I listen to when I want to get into the mood for certain types of sex scenes. Romantic vs. hard and fast vs. intensely emotional. This song fit yesterday’s scene. It’s an oldie but a goodie. “Have a Little Faith in Me.” Perfect for Kyle and Evan.

Questions, questions, questions

The lovely Winona Wilder interviewed me on her blog today. I shared my thoughts about the popularity and availability of m/m, those pesky pronouns in an all-male romance, and more.

Also, I’m updating my website with a FAQs section. Stuff like…when is the next book due out, what titles do you have out and where, when will your books be out in print, how did you get started writing, etc. I’d love to hear any suggestions for other questions to add. Anything you want to know about me? Anything you want to know from authors in general?

Feel free to comment here or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks. Hope you have a happy hump day!

Now, He’s Sexy…What Makes a Hero Stand Out?

(c) istockphoto, RobertDodge, 2007

I’m talking at Book Lovers Inc. today about men & what makes a hero stand out. I’m also giving away a copy of Breathe. Stop by if you have time. I would love to hear what you like in a hero.

Giveaway ends February 19th.

Have a great week!

Why M/M, WIPlash & Other Links

Sharing a collection of links today. Some interesting, some fun, and some more meaningful.

“Why” M/M? And Who Needs To Know?
An interesting post by Jordan Castillo Price.
I will admit, I do get asked the why question and find it so very difficult to put into a few words.

And another about woman writing m/m

The Power of Slash (includes a not-safe-for-work pic)
From Nigel Puerasch, a bi man writing m2m fiction

For the writers out there…

Kimberly Hunter talks about a common problem among writers:
WIPlash ~ Diagnosis & Treatment

And for fun, who would you believe…

A Great Lover
This picture illustrates the difference between marketing, public relations, advertising and branding. For books, a recommendation from a friend with similar tastes holds a lot of weight with me, but not sure if I want to hear from my friends about a potential lover.

Who can resist cute cats getting married…

Image Source

The Gay Cat Marriage in Manhattan and
A Special Bond Recognized

And on a serious note…

Read about the brave and courageous author Patric Michael and the anthology in his honor at For Patric…Wishing on a Blue Star

And this will bring a tear to your eye…

Image Source: The New York Times Company

Against All Odds, a Beautiful Life
“…a little boy dealt a seemingly impossible hand, the two gay men who decided to give him a home and a life, [and] the unlikely spell cast by the only horse in Montclair.”

Oh, and I’ve joined a group blog for my writer’s group. Today I’m blogging about my reading goals this year…


(c) istockphoto, klosfoto, 2010

Sloan’s 2011 Reading Challenge
Do you like to set reading goals? Do you have a goal for this year? Or do you find a goal takes the fun out of reading? I’d love to hear what you think.