Links: Breathe at B&N, Motivation & Facebook

I’ve had my head down finishing up TAKE ME HOME and only have a minute to post today (and it’s almost time to hit the sheets for some serious sleep), so I thought I’d quickly share a few links.

  • For those of you who were asking, BREATHE is now available at Barnes & Noble.
  • I blogged last week on one of my group blogs about motivation: Giving Lackluster Motivation a Kick in the Pants. Your reader comments about my writing and stories really do help!
  • I now have a Facebook Author Fan page. You can “Like” the page to follow my writing news on Facebook. Or you can friend me via my regular profile. Or do both. I’m probably on FB more than any other social site (when I have time to be online at all, that is).

Okay, I’m off to bed.

Can’t wait for everyone to get a look at TMH. Is it December yet?

Part 2 of My New Serial Novel Now Available

Those of you who follow the blog regularly may have seen last week that I finished editing part 2 of More Than Just a Good Book. Mark and Scott’s short story was the first fiction I shared on, and I’m excited to continue their story in a serial novel.

You can now read part two or download both parts on my site. I’ll be announcing future installments via my newsletter.

I hope you enjoy reading more about Mark and Scott as they find out what else is better than a good book.

For those of you in the US, I hope you have a safe and fun 4th of July!

More Than Just a Good Book: Part Two

I don’t have it added to my site yet, but I just had to share my news. I finished the next installment for MORE THAN JUST A GOOD BOOK featuring Mark and Scott. An excerpt and link for part two will be in the next issue of my newsletter, which will be sent out sometime this weekend. Then after that I’ll post the link on my site and here on the blog next week.

This story is both a gift to my readers and a way for me to explore a new writing process. I’ve never polished a story one chapter at a time, and so far this has been a fun, interesting change for me.

Here’s how the serial story will work:

  • I’ve outlined a short novel (with at least 10 parts) for Mark and Scott. As I have time between my other writing projects, I’ll work on this story.
  • As they are released, links to each installment will be available via my newsletter, website, and announced here on my blog.
  • After I finish the last installment, I’ll go back through and do a final review/edit of the entire story as a whole.
  • When complete, all installments of this serial story will be compiled into one ebook.

Again, I’ll be sending out the newsletter with the link to part two this weekend.

I hope you enjoy Mark and Scott’s story.

Have a good one!

Preview of a New Short Story

Finished revising and editing my latest short story (based on the picture above), and it’s off to my critique partner. There will probably be a few corrections/changes, but for the most part it’s done!

I have to say, I’m really happy with how quickly I wrote this one, as well as how the story turned out. I won’t share the title yet as the group at Goodreads is doing some fun stuff with guessing titles and character names.

In celebration of finishing it, I thought I’d give you guys a little preview.

Here’s a snippet:

I expected him to bend me over a piece of the matching wicker deck furniture, the table or maybe one of the oversize lounge chairs, but he didn’t. He smiled again. I hadn’t seen him smile this much in months. He looked like a dope with the silly grin and his dick rock hard. I didn’t care. It was a stunning combination.

“Race you,” he said, then jumped off the deck and ran onto the beach stark naked, heading for the water’s edge.

“Asshole,” I called out as I kicked off my shorts and shoes. I chased after him, laughing all the way to the water. He’d already made it in waist-high by the time I got there. He splashed me as I ran in. I lunged at him, and he let out a huge-ass giggle as I wrapped my arms around his chest from behind. A fucking giggle.

Wait. That hadn’t come from him. It was from me. His laugh still sounded like a guy his size normally would. It sounded great. I sounded like a kid running to get to the dodgeball first at recess. Maybe it was the sound of pure joy.

– From a new short story coming soon to the M/M Romance group at Goodreads and my website

Edited post on 7/1/11: revised the above except to incorporate final revisions.

Works-In-Progress Status & Writing Resources

Just a quick update today. Thought I’d share that two new sections have been added to my website.

  1. Works-in-progress
    This lists all the projects I am working on or have plans to work on in the future. I’ll update as often as I can and include the date last updated at the top of the page. The same works-in-progress list is also included on the homepage so readers don’t have to hunt around the site for the status updates.
  2. For Writers
    A list of resources I’ve found helpful as a writer. Topics include grammar, editing, plotting methods, character charts, publishing info, and more.

If you have any other suggestions for what you’d like to see on the status updates page, please let me know. Thanks!